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Harry and the other Slytherin first years made their way to the transfigurations class, where they would start their first transfiguration lesson of the year and at school. Harry was looking forward to it as transfiguration sounded interesting, plus according to Olivander the thunderbird tail in Harry's wand would really help in this subject.

"So," Draco Malfoy spoke as he began walking alongside Harry. "you are going to bring him everywhere, are you?" He asked while gesturing to Jet who was calmly resting on Harry's shoulders.

"Yep." Harry nodded simply. "He liked to stay with me, I like it when he stays with me, just makes sense for him to stay with me, doesn't it?" Harry said with a small smirk.

"What about the teachers?" Draco asked in an interested voice.

"He's my familiar," Harry replied. "they can't take him away and I've already made it clear that I am leaving this school if they do."

"You'd leave this school for a snake?" Draco raised an eyebrow. "And here I thought it was Hufflepuff's that were loyal."

"Are there any rules or laws that state Slytherin's can't be brave, intelligent or loyal?" Harry asked.


"Then I hardly see what the problem is." Harry said as they arrived at the classroom, they entered and saw a tabby cat sitting perfectly still on a desk but no other person.

"Where is the Professor?" Theodore Nott, a brown haired Slytherin first year, asked. "She should be here by now."

"I suppose we'll just have to wait until she gets here." Daphne said as she took a seat at a desk near the back, the other Slytherin's through an unspoken agreement also sat at the back.

"The class syllabus is on the board." Blaise noted as he gestured to the chalkboard.

"Well I guess we know what we need to do until she get's here." Tracy commented as she pulled out her book, with the Slytherin's joining her. Eventually the Gryffindor's began piling in, most took a single look at Harry's snake before quickly moving away from him. One chubby boy - whose name currently escaped Harry at the moment - nearly tripped in his haste to get away from Harry, something the Slytherin's found amusing.

"Where is she?" An Irish sounding Gryffindor asked a few minutes later when the Professor had not yet arrived. Before anyone could respond the class door had suddenly swung open and Ronald Weasley rushed in, clearly out of breath, he stopped once he was inside and took several moments to catch his breath.

"Made it." He grinned before he looked around for an empty seat, though his eyes stopped when he saw Harry who was casually sitting with Jet still resting on his shoulders.

"Can I help you?" Harry asked after Ron stared at him for several moments.

"I can't believe that they let you bring that snake in." Ron growled as he glared at Harry.

"Believe what you want, hopefully you'll end up believing something that might match with our reality." Harry replied in a calm voice.

"You shouldn't be allowed to bring that evil creature in here!"

"Do you think that cat is evil?" Harry asked as he pointed to the cat on the desk.

"What?" Ron asked, sounding very confused. "No."

"Why not?" Harry asked, sounding just as confused as Ron.

"Because it's a cat, they're not evil at all!"

"Not evil?" Harry scoffed. "They might not be, but they're more evil than snakes."

"What? No they're not!" Ron protested.

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