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"Tell me, do you ever have dreams about stuff like this?" Mrs Zabini said as she straddled Harry's lap, Harry felt the weight on his legs but that wasn't really what he was focusing on.

He was more than aware of the fact that his body was reacting to her and that she had likely noticed, Harry knew how useless it would be to try and hide or stop that. Right now Harry was facing his biggest challenge ever: looking Mrs Zabini in the eye. Of course she was one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen so that wasn't a hardship, but the problem now was the fact that his eyes felt like they were holding weights, weights that wanted to drag his eye a bit lower.

'Keep looking her in the eye,' Harry mentally told himself, chanting it several times in his mind. 'don't look down at those beautiful legs, got to avoid the legs, and definitely got to keep your eyes away from those voluptuous titties. Oh crap, I nearly looked'.

"You can look," She laughed, placing her hands on his arms, she would have placed them on his shoulders if not for the fact that Harry's familiar was still on Harry's shoulders. "I don't mind, really." She raised her right hand to touch the side of his face, but before she could his own hand came up and grabbed her by the wrist. Harry hissed softly under his breath, she was able to quickly realise that he was talking to the snake.

"Why are you doing this?" Harry asked as he let go of her wrist.

"I'm not sure what you mean." She said in an innocent voice as she let her hands rest on top of her thighs.

"I'm sure you don't." Harry snorted with amusement. "You look like something out of a wet dream, you are also the mother of my vassal and my best male friend, there is no way that you just suddenly decide that you want to do something like this with me. What are you after?" Harry asked.

"After? You think I am after something?" She asked, sounding just as amused as Harry had done.

"Everyone is after something or the other," Harry replied. "people who give to charity want to feel good, most of the students at Hogwarts don't even care about the beauty of magic, they just want to grow strong and get nice job. Everyone wants something."

"True." She chuckled, she was about to get up but was stopped when Harry placed his hands on her waist and pulled her back onto his lap.

"I asked for an explanation, I didn't say you had to get up. Besides, I am rather enjoying this." Harry smiled at her, he was enjoying this, though truthfully he also wanted to keep her close so he would at least have a fighting chance if she tried anything, it also allowed Jet to go for her if she tries anything. Yes, that was definitely the main reason why he didn't want her to get up.

"How gracious of you," She drawled, "if you are sure that you want me to stay here," she paused and wiggled slightly, causing Harry to let out a soft groan before he could stop himself. "then who am I to argue?" She grinned.

"As lovely as this is, let's move on to the 'why' part, please." Harry replied after having a quick glance at the body of the milf on top of him.

"Very well, you might remember that during your second year you saved my daughter." She said.

"You mean when I heavily burnt a rapist and injured him right before I jumped into a secret part of the school that was always thought to be lost or a myth, right before I fought and killed a basilisk?" Harry asked.

"Yes, that's exactly right." She smiled.

"No, sorry, doesn't ring a bell." Harry said in a dry voice, earning a laugh from Mrs Zabini. In Harry's opinion her laugh was not as musical as Angela's, but it did send chills down his spine, just like Angela did. How the everlasting fuck did those two learn to make their laughs seductive?

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