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"You made the front page." Draco informed Harry when he and Daphne sat down for breakfast, Jet was resting on Daphne's shoulder like he belonged there while Thor was enjoying being perched on top of Harry's shoulder. For a few girls their hopes of bagging Harry Potter was shot down when then saw just how familiar Harry's familiar was with Daphne, and how natural she looked not just with Harry's familiar but with Harry himself.

"Oh?" Harry raised an eyebrow.

"Here you go." Theo said, handing Harry his copy of the Daily Prophet. "I've finished reading it."

"Thank you, Theo." Harry said before he took a look at the front page, on the front was a picture of the kiss that Daphne and Harry had shared during the second task, with it came the headline 'Harry Potter saves the girl!'.

"Why am I just 'the girl'?" Daphne frowned before she and Harry started reading, the newspaper basically went onto describe what had happened during the second task before it went onto theorise about Harry's relationship with Daphne, apparently the saviour of the wizarding world being the boyfriend of the Greengrass heiress was big news. The article, while mildly annoying, did not really have anything in it that was worth getting angry or suing over.

"Hey Daph," Harry said as he pointed at the picture of the two of them. "look at us, we look fucking gorgeous. Don't you think so?"

"I suppose I can't disagree," Daphne said after fighting off an amused snort. "still, this is quite surprising. When I woke up today I didn't expect to be on the front page of the most famous newspaper in wizarding Britain."

"Did you not? I expect so every day." Harry said in a voice full of fake surprise before he continued talking in his normal voice. "Still, if I was you then I would just be appreciative that this is all there is, it could be a lot worse."

"Actually..." Tracey spoke up. "that's not all there is. Harry's also made it on the cover of witch weekly."

"I beg your pardon?" Harry blinked. "Your pardon...I beg of it, what?"

"They've got a picture of you shirtless," Blaise said, laughing slightly. "it went on and on about how your good looking and your scars add character and how rich and smart you are. If you didn't have an ego before then you would after reading it."

"I..." Harry's response was cut off as a young Hufflepuff girl walked up to the table, she looked to be a third year.

"Excuse me, will you sign this for me? Please?" She asked Harry with a hopeful expression while holding up an article from witch weekly, which did indeed show a picture of a shirtless Harry.

"I think that...hold on..." Harry paused as he looked at the page. "I won 'Witch Weekly's Most Charming Smile award'?" Harry asked, his voice filled with disbelief.

"Finally, an achievement worth boasting about." Jet commented in a dry tone of voice.

"Mr Potter," Professor McGonagall said as she approached Harry at breakfast on the day of the third task. "your family is waiting for you in the entrance hall." She said. Harry frowned for a moment before he remembered that his family was allowed to visit and watch the third and final task.

"Thank you, Professor McGonagall." Harry said with a polite nod, barely supressing a massive grin.

"You are very welcome, Mr Potter. Before I go I would like to congratulate you on your performance so far, you have shown yourself to be not just a credit to your family houses but also Slytherin house and Hogwarts, I do hope that Mr Diggory or yourself will be able to bring the victory to Hogwarts." Professor McGonagall said, she gave him a small nod and a rare smile before walking off.

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