Bonus Chapter One

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Third Person's POV

Zoë and Sarah had always dreamed of building a family together. They shared a deep love for each other and wanted to extend that love to children. Over several late-night conversations, they decided they wanted to adopt. Their unique situation as a werewolf and human couple led them to a special decision: they would adopt one werewolf child and one human child.

One evening, after dinner, they sat together on the couch, holding hands as they discussed their plans.

"I really want to adopt a werewolf child from our pack," Zoë said, her eyes filled with determination. "There are so many who need a family after everything that happened with Drayka."

Sarah nodded, squeezing Zoë's hand. "And I think adopting a human child would be wonderful too. It will show that love transcends our differences."

With their minds made up, they approached Dylan and Ryan, who had always supported them in their endeavors. The Alphas listened intently as Zoë and Sarah explained their plans.

"We're fully supportive of your decision," Dylan said warmly. "We’ll help you through every step of the process."

Ryan smiled. "I know a few pups in the pack daycare who could really use a loving home."

A week later, Zoë and Sarah visited the pack daycare. The caretaker, Lila, welcomed them with a kind smile and led them to the nursery where several infants were playing.

"This is Jason," Lila said, picking up a chubby, six-month-old baby boy with bright, curious eyes. "His father died in the battle against Drayka, and his mother passed away shortly after giving birth due to complications and grief. He's been with us since."

Zoë's heart melted as she gazed at Jason. He reached out with a tiny hand, clutching her finger tightly. Tears welled up in her eyes as she looked at Sarah, who was already holding the baby's other hand.

"He's perfect," Sarah whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "We want to adopt him."

Lila beamed. "I can't think of a better home for him. Let’s start the paperwork."

The adoption process for Jason was swift, given the pack's strong support network. A week later, Zoë and Sarah were officially his parents. They decided to keep his given name, Jason, honoring his biological parents while embracing him as their own.

On the day they brought Jason home, their pack house was filled with joy. Pack members gathered to celebrate the newest addition to their family. Dylan and Ryan were there, along with Kamila, Zoė' best friend and Sarah's sister in law

As they walked into the house, Jason nestled in Zoë's arms, the pack erupted in cheers and applause. Kamila stepped forward, her face glowing with happiness.

"Welcome home, little one," she said, gently touching Jason's cheek.

Zoë and Sarah looked around, overwhelmed by the support and love surrounding them. Tears streamed down Zoë's face as she kissed Jason's forehead.

"Thank you all," she said, her voice trembling. "We're so grateful to have such a wonderful family and community."

"We shall be on babysitting duty."Aaron said, referring to himself and his mate.
" Sureeee, no problem. "Sarah said with a doubting tone." Hey! I can babysit. "He argued." I did not say you can't. "She replied. Everyone laughed at them.

That night, after everyone had left, Zoë and Sarah sat in Jason's nursery, watching him sleep peacefully in his crib. The room was decorated with soft, woodland-themed decorations, reflecting their love for nature and the pack.

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