Chapter Fifty Six

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Third Person's POV

The sun was just beginning to rise over the Silver Moon Pack territory, casting a golden glow over the trees and fields. Kamila woke up with a sense of excitement, knowing that today was all about showing Serenity the wonders of her new world. She quickly got dressed and headed downstairs, where Dylan and Ryan were already busy in the kitchen.

They had breakfast together and Kamila left to the pack house to get Serenity sì they could start their adventure for the day.

"Good morning!" Kamila greeted, her smile bright. "Ready for your first full day with us?"

Serenity looked up, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. "Absolutely. I'm so excited to see everything."

Zoë and Sarah soon joined them, equally eager to start the day. After a hearty breakfast between Serenity, Zoė and Sarah, the four women set out to explore the pack's extensive grounds. The fresh morning air was invigorating, and Serenity marveled at the natural beauty surrounding her.

"This place is incredible," Serenity said, taking in the sight of the sprawling forests and clear streams. "I've never seen anything like it."

Kamila smiled proudly. "It really is something special. And there's so much more to show you."

Their first stop was the training grounds, where pack members were already hard at work. Werewolves in both human and wolf forms practiced combat techniques, their movements fluid and precise. Serenity watched in awe as they demonstrated their strength and agility.

"This is where we train to defend the pack," Zoë explained. "Everyone takes part, from the youngest to the oldest."

"It's impressive," Serenity said. "The dedication and teamwork are amazing."

Next, they visited the healing center, where the pack's healers, including witches like Zoë and Sarah, worked their magic. The air was filled with the soothing scent of herbs, and Serenity could feel the calming energy of the place.

"This is where we take care of our injured and sick," Sarah said. "Healing is a vital part of our community."

Serenity nodded, her admiration growing with each new aspect of pack life she discovered. "It's wonderful to see how everyone supports each other. Gosh, all of these are so amazing. It's like a total different world."

As they continued their tour, Kamila led them to a large, open field where a magnificent dragon was resting. Serenity's eyes widened in shock as she took in the sight of Kai, his scales shimmering in the sunlight.

"Oh my gosh, is that a dragon?" Serenity exclaimed, her voice filled with disbelief.

Kamila laughed, nodding. "Yes, that's Kai. He's my trusted companion."

Kai raised his head, his eyes gleaming with intelligence and warmth. He let out a low, rumbling greeting that seemed to resonate through the ground.

Serenity took a cautious step forward, her initial shock giving way to curiosity. "He's beautiful. Can I... can I touch him?"

"Of course," Kamila said, gently guiding Serenity closer to the dragon. "Kai is very gentle."

With Kamila's encouragement, Serenity reached out and placed her hand on Kai's warm, smooth scales. A sense of awe washed over her as she felt the dragon's powerful presence.

"This is unbelievable," Serenity whispered. "I never imagined I'd see a real dragon."

Kai let out a soft rumble, his eyes closing in contentment as Serenity continued to stroke his scales. Kamila watched with a smile, feeling a deep sense of joy at sharing this part of her life with her sister.

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