Bonus Chapter Three

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Third Person's POV

Aaron had always dreamed of being a father, and now, with Victor by his side, that dream was about to come true. The discovery of the twin boys at the pack borders had been a moment of both concern and hope. The distinct scent of rogues on them had initially raised alarms, but the babies themselves were innocent, pure, and in need of a family.

Aaron and Victor had immediately felt a connection with the twins when they first saw them. Their tiny faces, peeking out from beneath the rough blankets they were wrapped in, had tugged at their hearts. The decision to adopt them was instantaneous and unanimous.

Now, as they stood in the pack’s office, signing the final adoption papers, a sense of excitement and anticipation filled the room. Kamila, Dylan, and Ryan were there for support, their smiles broad and encouraging.

Victor glanced at Aaron, a hint of nervousness in his eyes. "Are we really ready for this?" he asked quietly.

Aaron reached out and took his hand, squeezing it gently. "We’re more than ready," he said firmly. "These boys are meant to be ours."

The pack’s Alpha, Dylan, stepped forward, placing a reassuring hand on Aaron’s shoulder. "You two are going to be amazing parents," he said. "Felix and Kenneth are lucky to have you."

Kamila, holding baby Aiden in her arms, smiled warmly. "I can’t wait to see them grow up in the pack. They’ll be surrounded by so much love."

Ryan nodded in agreement, bouncing baby Elara gently. "And they’ll have plenty of playmates," he added with a grin. Referring to their kids and also the children of Sarah and Zoė.

Once the papers were signed, Aaron and Victor were officially the parents of Felix and Kenneth. They made their way to the nursery where the twins were being cared for. The room was softly lit, filled with the gentle sounds of sleeping babies. As they approached the cribs, the sight of their sons brought tears to their eyes.

Aaron leaned over and picked up Felix, cradling him carefully in his arms. "Hello, little one," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. "I’m your dad, and this is your papa. We’ve been waiting for you."

Victor lifted Kenneth, holding him close and kissing his tiny forehead. "We promise to love you and protect you," he murmured. His voice so low, no one would have heard if not for their super hearing. "You’re safe now."

The twins stirred, their eyes fluttering open. They gazed up at their new parents with wide, curious eyes, as if sensing the love and warmth surrounding them.

Kamila, Dylan, and Ryan watched from the doorway, their hearts swelling with happiness for their friends. "They’re perfect," Kamila said softly. "Absolutely perfect."

Victor looked up, his eyes shining with tears. "Thank you all for being here," he said. "We couldn’t have done this without your support."

Dylan smiled. "We’re family," he said simply. "That’s what we do."

As they left the nursery, the reality of their new life began to sink in. Aaron and Victor brought the twins home, where a small crib had already been set up in their bedroom. They laid the babies down gently, watching as they quickly fell back asleep.

Aaron sat on the edge of the bed, his eyes never leaving the cribs. "I can’t believe this is real," he said softly. "We’re actually parents."

Victor wrapped an arm around his shoulders, pulling him close. "It’s real," he said. "And it’s amazing."

The next few days were a whirlwind of activity as they adjusted to their new roles. Feeding, changing, and comforting the twins became a full-time job, but Aaron and Victor embraced every moment, their bond growing stronger with each passing day. They also had help from friends. Especially, Kamila and Zoė who are also mothers themselves.

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