Chapter Forty Nine

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Third Person's POV

Training has been more vigorous in the Silver Moon Pack. With the new people around, new techniques has been introduced and everyone were working hard together to get better and support their home and family.

Siera, Zeina and some witches were working on the protective dome shield that would protect the whole fight from the outside world.

"How strong would this shield be?" Kamila asked. "This is the strongest shield I have ever seen anyone create Kami, all thanks to you so you have to worry about any creature getting loose and roaming the world." Siera told her.
"Okay." Kamila replied.

She left Zeina and Siera with the other witches and chose a spot that was kind  of free with no one else training there. Taking a deep breath, she conjured a ball of flame on her right hand and water on her left.

With the ball of fire and water, she tried to merge them together to make a whip of lava, that way it would be longer than a firesword and reach farther than a sword can.
On her first try, the fire was too hot that the water vaporised before she could form the shape that she actually wanted. Groaning in annoyance, She tried again but the effort was futile again.

Again, and again and again. Kamila kept trying but she could not get what she wanted and the area around her was already so hot due to how much she had conjured fire. Kamila did not even notice how hot her surrounding was or even how wet and drenched she was due to the fire and heat around her.

She was already getting tired because conjuring fire so much at once is a stressful thing to do but she did not care and kept pushing herself.
Out of annoyance, she released a huge fire into the sky.

Standing there, breathing heavily. The surrounding was very quiet until she heard footsteps.

"You know, all this is not going to walk." Siera said joining her in the clearing.

"What do you mean?" Kamila asked her.

Siera gestured for her to sit on her rock and joined her.
"Pushing yourself to a hard limit is only going to hurt you not he'll you achieve what you want. And once you are hurt, you won't be able to do anything." Siera explained.
"But i really need to get this, I don't know why. But I do." Kamila said.

"Oh, you are so impatient. Even as Reina, you were always so impatient." Siera smiled.

"I'm not impatient, I've been trying this for almost a week now but I'm still not getting it." Kamila replied her sulking.

Siera only chuckled and grabbed her hands. "When last did you meditate, I think you need a calming session." She said.

"But-" Kamila was saying when Siera stopped her from saying anything else.

With gentle insistence, Siera guided them to a clearing where the sunlight filtered through the high canopies in dappled patches. They both settled on the soft, mossy floor, the coolness of the earth seeping through their clothes. Siera instructed Kamila to sit cross-legged, and she did the same opposite her.

“Close your eyes,” Siera whispered, doing so herself to set an example.

Kamila obeyed, though her eyelids flickered with the effort of keeping her thoughts at bay. She could hear the rustle of leaves, the soft gurgle of a nearby stream, and the distant bird calls.

“Now, take a deep breath in,” Siera began, her voice steady and soothing. “Hold it. And let it out slowly. Focus on the sound of your breath, the rise and fall of your chest.”

Kamila inhaled deeply, her chest expanding, and exhaled, trying to focus solely on her breathing. Her mind wandered back to her worries, but Siera’s next words brought her back.

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