Chapter Fifty Nine

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Third Person's POV

Kamila stood in the middle of her new office, taking in the sight of the spacious, sunlit room that was now the headquarters of her interior design company. It had been a long journey to get here, filled with hard work and determination, but the moment was finally hers. The room was a testament to her vision, with elegant furnishings, meticulously chosen decor, and large windows that bathed the space in natural light.

Dylan and Ryan walked in, their faces beaming with pride. "This is incredible, Kamila," Dylan said, looking around appreciatively. "You've outdone yourself."

Ryan nodded in agreement. "Absolutely. This place is a masterpiece, just like everything you design."

Kamila smiled, her heart swelling with gratitude and love. "Thank you both so much. I couldn't have done it without your support."

Dylan wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "We always believed in you. Your talent is extraordinary, and now the world gets to see it."

Ryan added, "And we'll always be here to help you in any way we can. This company is going to be a huge success, I just know it."

Kamila took a deep breath, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. "I hope so. I've put so much of myself into this. It's like my baby."

Dylan squeezed her shoulder. "And we'll help you nurture it and watch it grow."

Over the next few weeks, Kamila's company began to take shape. With Dylan and Ryan's help, they hired a team of talented designers, architects, and support staff. Word of her exceptional eye for detail and innovative designs spread quickly, and soon they had a steady stream of clients.

One day, Kamila was in her office, reviewing design plans for a new client, when her assistant, Sarah, knocked on the door. "Kamila, there's someone here to see you," she said, peeking her head in.

Kamila looked up from her work. "Who is it?"

"It's a couple from the pack," Sarah replied. "They heard about the company and wanted to apply for jobs."

Kamila's face lit up. She loved the idea of incorporating members of the pack into her business. "Send them in," she said with a smile.

A few moments later, a young couple walked in. Kamila recognized them as Ethan and Lily, members of the Silver Moon Pack. They looked a bit nervous but determined.

"Hello, Ethan, Lily," Kamila greeted them warmly. "It's great to see you. Please, have a seat."

"Thank you, Kamila," Ethan said, taking a seat. "We heard about your company and wanted to see if there might be any opportunities for us."

Kamila nodded. "Of course. Tell me a bit about yourselves and what you're looking for."

Lily spoke up first. "I have a background in architecture. I've always loved designing spaces, and when I heard you were starting this company, I thought it might be the perfect fit for me."

Ethan added, "And I'm a project manager. I've worked on several construction projects within the pack, making sure everything runs smoothly and on schedule."

Kamila listened intently, her mind already envisioning how they could fit into her growing team. "You both sound like exactly the kind of people we need here. I'd love to have you join us."

Ethan and Lily's faces lit up with relief and excitement. "Really? That would be amazing," Lily said, her voice filled with gratitude.

Kamila smiled. "Absolutely. We're like a family here, and I think you'll fit right in. Welcome to the team."

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