Chapter Fifty Seven

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That morning. Kamila was alone at home with her mates gone to deal with work for the day. she was pacing back and forth in the living room, her brow furrowed with worry. In just a few days, it would be Dylan and Ryan’s birthday, and she still hadn’t found the perfect gift for her mates.

Zoë and Serenity walked in, immediately noticing Kamila’s distress. “Kamila, what’s wrong?” Serenity asked, her voice full of concern.

Kamila sighed, running a hand through her hair. “I haven’t found the right gifts for Dylan and Ryan yet. Their birthday is so close, and I want to get them something special, something that shows how much they mean to me.”

Zoë stepped forward, placing a comforting hand on Kamila’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, Kamila. I'm sure  you will find the perfect gifts. Let’s go to the mall and see what we can find.”

Serenity nodded in agreement. “Yes, a little shopping trip will do us all some good. Plus, we get to spend the day together.”

Kamila managed a small smile, grateful for her friend and sister's support. “Thank you, both of you. I could really use the help.”

The three women quickly got ready and headed out to the nearby mall. As they walked through the entrance, Kamila felt a mix of anxiety and determination. She was determined to find the perfect gifts, but the pressure of time weighed heavily on her.

The mall was bustling with activity, and the wide variety of stores seemed both overwhelming and full of potential. Zoë led the way, her eyes scanning the various shop fronts. “Let’s start with the specialty stores. They might have something unique and meaningful.”

They entered a store that specialized in handcrafted items, each piece meticulously made by local artisans. Kamila wandered through the aisles, her eyes searching for anything that might catch her attention. She picked up a beautifully carved wooden wolf and examined it closely.

“This is nice, but it’s not quite right,” she said, setting it back down with a sigh.

Serenity noticed Kamila’s frustration and gently guided her to another section. “Take a deep breath, Kamila. We’ll find something. Let’s keep looking.”

They moved on to another store, this one filled with high-quality leather goods. Kamila’s eyes lit up as she saw a display of custom-made leather jackets. She ran her fingers over the soft, supple leather, imagining how handsome Dylan and Ryan would look in them.

“What do you think?” she asked, holding up a jacket for Zoë and Serenity to see.

Zoë smiled approvingly. “I think they’d love them. They’re stylish and practical, perfect for both of them.”

Kamila nodded, feeling a sense of relief. “I’ll get these then. But I still want to find something more personal, something that really shows how much they mean to me.”

Serenity glanced around, her eyes landing on a small jewelry store tucked away in a corner. “Why don’t we check out that store? Maybe they have something special.”

Kamila followed her sister to the jewelry store, her heart pounding with hope. Inside, they were greeted by a friendly saleswoman who showed them a variety of beautiful pieces. Kamila’s eyes were drawn to a display of matching rings, each one engraved with intricate patterns.

“These are beautiful,” Kamila murmured, picking up a pair of rings. “But I want something that symbolizes our bond, something unique.”

The saleswoman smiled. “We can customize the rings with any design or inscription you like. Many people choose to engrave special messages or symbols that are meaningful to them.”

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