Chapter 60: Rise of a Transferred Nation

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Marie Geoise, Pangea Castle

"Was it wise to declare war?" Marcus Mars was looking concerned, as the Five Elders gathered to see the broadcast King Marcus opened for the whole world to see, it was either to only address the nation of the tragedy, or, a Declaration of war.

Jaygarcia Saturn was the one to answer his friend."They will not take war into hand, the previous times was never a result of war, and most probably they will make a decisive approach to destroy part of us, and they will not even notice our traps." The rest of the Elders agreed."And also, why risk war on two fronts? They have the Pirate, God Enel on one side, and if they declare war, the World Government."



"Wororororoo~ When is the broadcast going to turn on King?! I want to see if that old bastard is alive, alongside that piece of shit of a King!" Kaido was drinking to his heart's extent, while the Aegean Kingdom has not revealed any information on the attack three days ago, there were still signs of attacks from the broadcast before it was destroyed, and as alot speculated, the CP-0 has attacked the Kingdom.

This was something being viewed everywhere in the world, who had the same speculations as Kaido, what happened? Are the Leader's dead? Why hasn't one word come out of the Kingdom?

But signs where worrying. The Nexus Alliance was reported to make alot of moves, with alot of speculations leading to the death of the Alliance Leaders. Port Chibaralta has closed it's borders completely, enforcing isolationism alongside the Nexus Alliance.


Tyros Cemetery of Heroes, Tyros

Three figures could be seen approaching the cemetery, which is none other than the King of the Nation, Marcus Couffaine, his Royal Advisor Nicholas Kouris, and the General of the King's Guard Christos Galanis.

As they walked through the cemetery, they passed by lots of fresh graves, dug by the survivors of the attack, and buried by them. Many of them gave their lives for the nation with a smile, which was a honorable action awarded by Marcus himself, lots of families can be seen weeping for the dead, but as soon as they see King Marcus, they stand in shock of what happened to him, a scarred face was only seen on the King's face.

Soon, Marcus speaks up."Thank you for coming with us General Christos."

Christos replies back in a robotic behavior."It's only our job to protect his Majesty, your Majesty."

Soon, they stop in front of a grave, which bore no visitors to it."Although, I still wish Ajax was here today." The Grave bore the name, Ajax Demetrios, the Royal Guard of the King, Marcus Couffaine.

"He gave his life to serve and let his Majesty live. That is our sole purpose, your Majesty." Christos says as gave his salutes to the grave.

Marcus then sat beside him, crouching near his grave."Still, he was trained since a child, when he was an Orphan of the Kingdom. And we brought him to our abode and helped him, he has grew to become a man of honor and valor. My father before me saved him, and I couldn't, but he repaid the debt with his live." He sheds a tear as he holds the soil that covers him."My dear friend, you gave your life for me when I was a child, when I was still a newly crowned King, and now you rest inside this grave, taking the injuries that could have killed me, for yourself. For how long do you plan on being selfless? Can't you at least for once leave me be, not for myself but for you. I.. I owe you my life Ajax, can't you see that?" Marcus then wept as Nicholas and Christos look helplessly at him.

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