Chapter 42: ..It Was A Wicked And A Wild Wing..

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Joseph found himself under the rubble of the Manor, with nothing but a pillar holding the roof steady on him."Shit... What the hell?!"

As he woke up completely he remembered what happened. An explosion occurred after he swore loyalty to King Marcus Couffaine.

He wondered on the state on the king, so he crawled to find the King, only to find an opening to the outside, which had an interesting scene, four CP-0 Agents were standing infront of the King with their weapons brandished and their eyes focused on him.

"To target me in my own Manor, it would seem.. Daring should I say Cipher Pol Zero Agents." Marcus spoke as he continued to eye the Agents, with none of them saying a word, they wanted him to make the first move before killing him swiftly."Well then.. Let us dance to the death you World Government Dogs.." He took out his sabre which was by his side."Come forth.. Aetherion."

As King Marcus Couffaine unsheathed his gleaming sabre, Aetherion, the air crackled with anticipation. With a fierce battle cry, he lunged forward, his blade slicing through the air with deadly precision aimed at the leader of the Cipher Pol Zero Agents.

But the Cipher Pol leader, a figure shrouded in mystery and determination, moved with uncanny speed, dodging Marcus's strike with effortless grace. With a swift counterattack, he sent Marcus staggering backward, his defenses momentarily breached.

Seizing the opportunity, the other Cipher Pol Zero Agents closed in with impeccable teamwork and precision. Cipher Pol Agent Shadow, his form enveloped in shifting darkness, launched a barrage of shadowy tendrils at Marcus from all sides, seeking to ensnare him within their grasp. At the same time, Cipher Pol Agent Mirage, her illusory duplicates weaving a web of confusion, darted forward with blinding speed, her strikes coming from multiple angles at once.

Marcus, caught off guard by the sudden onslaught, fought back with all his might, his sabre flashing in the dim light of the ruined manor. With each swing, he deflected the shadowy tendrils and shattered the illusory duplicates, but the relentless assault left him struggling to keep pace.

As the battle raged on, Marcus found himself pushed to the brink, his strength waning with each passing moment. The Cipher Pol Zero Agents, undeterred by his fierce resistance, pressed their advantage with ruthless efficiency, their attacks coming in relentless waves.

Amidst the chaos of battle, a momentary lull allowed for a brief exchange of words between Marcus and his adversaries.

"You fight with skill, but you cannot hope to defeat me," the Cipher Pol leader taunted, his voice dripping with confidence.

Marcus, his breath coming in ragged gasps, met the challenge with steely resolve. "I may be outnumbered, but I will never surrender to the likes of you," he retorted, his voice ringing with defiance.

The Cipher Pol leader's voice cut through the chaos like a chilling wind, his words dripping with menace. "You fight well, King Marcus, but in the end, you will die as the rest did."

Marcus, undeterred by the threat, met the leader's gaze with steely resolve. "We'll see about that," he retorted, his voice laced with determination.

With a fierce battle cry, Marcus lunged forward, his sabre, Aetherion, slicing through the air with deadly intent. But the Cipher Pol leader, his movements swift and precise, dodged the attack with a graceful sidestep, his own sword flashing in the dim light of the ruined manor.

The clash of steel echoed through the air as Marcus and the Cipher Pol leader engaged in a fierce duel, each strike met with a deft parry or a nimble dodge. Their swords danced with deadly elegance, the intensity of their exchange escalating with each passing moment.

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