Chapter 34: Either Victory or Death

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The book will be paused for a while, not for a break rather I will start working once again on my other book, Summoning the Maghrebian Union, make sure to check it out!

Rowanian occupied city, Lovarence 2 days after the fall of Rowania

"Idiots all of you!" Said the King of the now occupied Rowania."They managed to take back not only the capital, but took our own lands behind our noses!"

The atmosphere in the meeting hall was tense as the King of Rowania seethed with anger, his voice echoing with fury that reverberated off the walls.

"You spineless imbeciles couldn't fend off a gaggle of geese, let alone the forces of Aegea!" the King bellowed, his voice dripping with disdain as he glared at the assembled generals.

The generals, standing stoically but visibly perturbed, exchanged uneasy glances in response to the King's scathing remarks. They were veterans of war, respected among their peers, yet the weight of their recent defeats lingered heavily upon them.

"Your incompetence has cost us our lands, our honor," the King continued, his tone laced with venomous reproach. "Aegea now tramples upon our soil, taking what we hold. Have you any shred of dignity left?"

The air hung heavy with tension as the King's words cut through the room like a blade. His rage was palpable, a tempest brewing beneath his regal façade.

"Your Highness, the Aegean forces have proven to be a formidable adversary," one of the generals dared to interject, his voice laced with caution. "Their strategies were cunning, and their agents-"

"Silence!" the King thundered, his voice resonating with authority that brooked no dissent. "I will not entertain excuses or feeble attempts to justify your incompetence. Aegea may have their agents, but we had the advantage of home ground, and yet we lost!"

"Failures! Utterly Failures!"

The King's tirade continued, each word a scathing indictment of the generals' perceived failures. His anger fueled by defeat, he sought to redirect blame onto those who served him.

Despite the generals' training and experience, they stood subdued in the face of the King's wrath, their expressions a mix of frustration and resignation. The weight of their nation's fall bore down upon them, exacerbated by the King's unforgiving tongue.

As the meeting wore on, the King's tirade echoed in the halls, a stark reminder of Rowania's current predicament—besieged by an adversary whose might they had underestimated and outmaneuvered. The King's anger lingered, a tempest that raged within the walls of the meeting hall, leaving the generals grappling with their own doubts and the weight of their kingdom's losses.

The King, seething with anger and a burning desire for vengeance, leaned forward in his seat, his eyes ablaze with a twisted determination.

"Listen well, for I shall not tolerate further failure," he commanded, his voice now calmer but laced with a malevolent intent. "The dogs of Aegea will not take Lovarence without facing the wrath of Rowania."

He paused, allowing the weight of his words to settle among the generals, who remained silent, their gaze fixed upon their sovereign, awaiting his next command.

"We will set a trap," the King declared, a cunning glint in his eye. "Let them think they've caught us off guard, let them believe they can waltz in and claim this city unopposed."

The generals exchanged cautious glances, unsure of the King's strategy but unwilling to voice their doubts in the face of his fervor.

"We shall feign retreat, making it appear as though Lovarence is ripe for the taking," the King continued, a calculating smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "And when the Aegean forces flood the city, we shall unleash our surprise."

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