Chapter 44: ..People Couldn't Believe What I Have Become..

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Nanohana Port, the Next Day, ARN Tripoli.

"..It is certainly hot here!" Exclaimed Commodore Calix Andino as he sat in front of the AC. His subordinates sweatdropped at him, in the face of his superiors, he was the most dependable man, the most respectful, the strictest one. But in the face of the ones under him, he was easygoing to the MAXIMUM.

Calix Andino was the one to first intercept the Escort fleet of the Marines when he first met them, which was a hellish day of a report for him. But the King tasked him with missions to watch sea borders which he complied with. But now he is given the mission to escort Prince Noah to the Kingdom of Alabasta, in which he will visit the King and perform a search on the future Oil Fields.

As Prince Noah entered the control room, all soldiers stood up except for the Commodore, who remained sitting and sulking, he definitely doesn't like hot temperatures. Noah sighed."Commodore Calix? I believe we are at the port right now, aren't we?"

The Commodore immediately stood up as he saluted."Your Highness! We are 5 minutes away from the City of Nanohana, we will land in the Port and head straight to the Governor's estate as per instructions given by the King of Alabasta."

"Good, but I will be heading.. Somewhere else alongside Yujiro Hanma." Said Noah as he headed out once again.

Outside the Control room, Yujiro was waiting on Prince Noah, smoking on a Cigar. He was wearing a Black Shirt with Black Trousers and a White belt to hold it up. And to finish the outfit, he wore a armband indicating his affiliation to the Aegean Kingdom."Well your Highness? What do want to do now?"

"We will land in Nanohana and go straight to a Restaurant called 'Spice Bean', there we will meet with Ace D. Portgas and his brother Luffy, perhaps even another man who goes by the name of Smoker, I suppose we can recruit him considering he is a man of good conscience and a decent sense of justice." Noah spoke as he and Yujiro approached the deck, since the entire escort fleet will not land in the Port, the smallest transportation vessel will dock and they will sit in the town for two days, after that they will head out to Aluburna. Noah found the Head Retainer, who was discussing alongside his other co workers."Head Retainer Demetrios, are you ready to head out?"

The Head Retainer Demetrios turned around and bowed."Your Highness, the Military Ships will stop here for two days as scheduled, then we will move once again alongside the river to Aluburna, any threat that makes an appearance while here is to be shot down immediately as you ordered."

"Good, I will be in my quarters until we are allowed to land in Nanohana, please do inform me at the time." Noah spoke as he retired to his quarters.


30 Minutes later.

The Populace of Nanohana were scared of the steel ships at bay, which was to be expected, if pirates had steel ships, with cannons as large as that then it is hard to keep them at bay, considering their Military has only yet recovered from the impending civil war.

But the Soldiers lined up on the port, almost as if they are greeting someone with the same authority as the Celestial Dragons. The people of Nanohana then started to draw lines at who this could be, which in the end they came to possible guesses. But the most widespread one would be the Aegean Kingdom. They possessed steel ships and the flag the ship flew was one of the Aegean Royal Navy.

But this could be said differently about the Straw Hats, who saw the Small Fleet from afar. The Straw hats, alongside their unofficial member the Princess of Alabasta Vivi Nerfetari watched as the people from the Aegean Ships descended into the port. Vivi was the one to break the silence."Aren't those.. From the Aegean Kingdom? What are they doing here?

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