Chapter 3: Events and Greetings

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Before the Transference by 3 Days, Tyros Stadium.

The grandest football finals in Aegean history fell upon, and it was a momentous occasion for the entire kingdom. Marcus, a football fanatic, was anticipated to attend this event of monumental significance.

As Marcus, who was donning a Dark Blue Toga with Golden Lining with a golden Shoulder Pad over a White Shirt with Golden Lining, approached his seat in the VIP section, Nicholas expressed his gratitude, "Your majesty, I must extend my sincerest gratitude for the honor of accompanying you to the biggest football match in Aegean History."

"I understand, Nicholas, there's no inconvenience whatsoever. However, I couldn't help but notice your keen interest in football matches. It's apparent to me that you have a penchant for them." Said Marcus.

"That I do your Majesty." Replied Nicholas.

As they approached the VIP Seats, the spotlight turned to them, and they stepped outside to face the cameras eagerly waiting to capture their presence. Marcus couldn't resist waving at the lenses, soaking in the attention from the audience.

The moment had arrived for the Teams to emerge onto the field - Tripoli City and Heraklion FC. With both teams boasting an impressive prowess in Attack and Defense, the odds were evenly split down the middle, leaving fans on edge as to who would come out on top. It was going to be a thrilling match.

Soon the Aegean Anthem came on:

Glory to the Kingdom of Aegea, land of honour and might,
Founded by King Alexander, in struggles and in fight.
We stand with pride, united as one,
With King Marcus, our beloved Ruler.

We hail the mountains, that rule Aegea's land,
And cherish the seas, that we fiercely command,
Our people strong, determined to see,
Our land rise above, all enemies.

Through battles and wars, we've proved our power,
Our arms victorious, each triumph an hour,
Our foes have trembled, before our might,
Aegeans stand tall, in eternal light.

Our king, a beacon, of hope and of light,
Alexander's guidance, our guiding force of right,
He found our kingdom, and led us to glory,
Our hearts sing out, in this Aegean story.

Our loyalty shines, as bright as the sun,
To Aegea's Kingdom, we are one as one,
Our hearts beat strong, our spirits are free,
Our Sea, our Mountains, forever to be.

Proud Aegea, a land of great fame,
Our people strive, for a glorious name,
Our legacy strong, for Aegea's canon,
For King Marcus, our lion!

Our nation's might, through hard work and toil,
Our soldiers march, steadfast and loyal,
Our shields raised high, we march to the drum,
Our swords gleam bright, in the Aegean sun.

Our loyalty endures, our faith ever strong,
For Aegea's Kingdom, we do no wrong,
Our passion unwavering, heart and hand,
For King Alexander, who led a great land.

With strength in our souls, we march on with pride,
Our courage unwavering, our spirit never to hide,
For Aegea our kingdom, our banner unfurled,
We stand with our king, our flag unfurled.

Our people united, by the King's command,
Aegea's power rising, in every land,
Our King's will, our sword of might,
For Aegea, for honour, for our right.

Our destiny, bound to the Aegean way,
Our will to power, grows strong every day,
Our heart and soul, devoted to the core,
To the Kingdom Aegea, forevermore.

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