Chapter 35: Tiny Timeskip

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"Article 1: All Races are equal, regardless of their origins, their Personalities, and shapes."

-Nexus Alliance Chairman, King Marcus Couffaine.


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One Week later.

The Aftermath of the Rowanian-Nexus Annexation war was chaotic at most. The Prodence Kingdom changed their name to the Rowanian Kingdom, after the Goldleaf Commonwealth and the Ironpeak Dominion were given to the Prodence Kingdom, thus becoming the United Kingdom of Rowania. It was already regarded as a powerful nation before, but now with a huge iron and gold reserve, alongside a huge industrial potential, it was on it's way to follow the steps of the Aegean Kingdom.

The Rowanian Kingdom has received both help in rebuilding the damages caused by the war and a huge offer from the Aegean Kingdom, which is set to transform the military of the Kingdom to become much more efficient, such as weaponry dating back to 1920, a Navy made of steel, and lastly training given by the Aegeans.

The Ryugu Kingdom was given a proposal made by the Aegeans, set to transform the Nation into a potentially Massive Trade Hub with the guidance of the Aegean Kingdom.

The Whitebeard Territories were receiving imports of modern equipment, in fields such as farming, fishing, and more. Protection of these territories have also been granted by the Aegean Military and Navy.

Lastly, the Republic of Chibaralta opened their doors to the outside world, rendering it as the only Alliance Nation to open themselves to those outside the Alliance. They started to receive an influx of visitors, both who want to find a job in the potential future power of the New World and those who wish to join the Alliance. It was then decided to employ a new police force under the Republic, trained by Aegeans. The Chibaraltan Gendemarie.


Kingdom of Aegea, Palace.

The Couffaine Siblings were having breakfast in the balcony of King Marcus's study. The Breakfast contained Aegean Items and food, with exported items from both Ryugu and Rowania.

"The Bacon sure is marvelous, I must send a special thanks to King Elizabello." Said Marcus as he looked at the bacon in his fork, observing it.

"The seaweed exported from the Ryugu Kingdom is no exception Brother, while we do not eat it normally, it is much better than what we had from Japan when we were in Francia." Said Noah as he took another bite.

Marcus looked at Noah with a smile and said."Sure, I suppose since this is another world it would taste much more differently.. I almost forgot actually, there has been rumors of you courting Princess Shirahoshi, although I know it is not true, our dear sister has taken it as a tool to blackmail you."

"WHAT!" Said Noah as he looked at Sophia."Sophia?! Don't do this! You surely remember the last time you blackmailed me?!"

Sophia looked at Noah and said."Hmpf, you shouldn't have taken the Charger that day."

"You almost had me almost go to court, which I mostly would have been found guilty for nothing and go to jail for 29 Years! For a nameless Rumor!" Said Noah as Marcus Laughed.

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