Chapter 18: Preparations for Reveal

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Royal Palace, 5 days after formation of Nexus Alliance

Marcus sat alone at the dining table, the air thick with anticipation. His sister strolled through the bustling streets of the Capital, soaking in its vibrancy. Meanwhile, his brother delved into the depths of knowledge within the Library's pages, lost in a world of words. Today marked a pivotal moment—the day Yujiro Hanma would be dispatched to 'play' with Whitebeard on an island nestled between the hometown of Whitebeard, Sphinx Island and the Aegean Kingdom. The tension hung in the air, each passing moment adding weight to the impending clash of titans.

"The Red Ogre versus Father Whitebeard, truly exciting!" Said Marcus with a smile."But I wonder, will Whitebeard be able to withstand the power of Yujiro?"

Nicholas proceeded into the room, along with Ishigami Senku and Tony Stark.

Marcus looked at them and stood up."Gentlemen! I thank you all for coming here, please have a seat and allow us to eat together, especially you Senku I know you are a man who loves to work more than he desires to live, so sit tight and eat to your heart's extent!"

The three men, particularly Senku, found it impossible to decline the invitation. They were slated to lunch with the King, an occasion intended for crucial discussions and the exchange of news pertinent to the Kingdom. Nicholas was particularly thrilled at the prospect of conversing with Ishigami Senku and Tony Stark over the table, eagerly anticipating the enriching discussions ahead.

As they settled into their seats, the King motioned gracefully for his guests to indulge in a feast fit for royalty. The appetizers presented a symphony of flavors: Dolmades, delicate grape leaves lovingly packed with a harmonious blend of rice, succulent pomegranate, and seasoned meat; Hummus, a velvety blend of chickpeas and tahini, kissed by the richness of olive oil and zesty notes of garlic and lemon; and Rizaiki, a delicate pastry embracing Maisa Sauce—a tantalizing fusion of lamb, mushrooms, tomato sauce, and the subtle zest of black pepper and lime, offering a tantalizing depth.

For the main course, the bounty of the seas was showcased with Fresh Fish from the Ryugu Kingdom, masterfully transformed into skewers and dipped in a choice of Tomato, Mushroom, or Mixed Berry sauces. The Aegean-styled Steak, exquisitely grilled to perfection, sat proudly beside an accompaniment of grilled vegetables and Mashed Potatoes adorned with delectable shrimp bits.

Should the guests prefer an alternative, both Fried and Grilled Chicken were presented as options, their succulence enhanced by a tantalizing drizzle of Alfredo Sauce.

Marcus observed Tony, who relished the flavors of the Fish Skewers. "I must confess, when you first mentioned the idea of creating a new Flamethrower Division, Mr. Stark, I had reservations, considering the constraints of the Geneva Convention. Yet, witnessing the innovative armor you've developed and attaching flamethrowers to it, I see its potential benefits for our cause."

Tony looked at Marcus and said."Well your Majesty, you could say it was from past experience."

"Well, doesn't matter whether or not it was from experience, but I believe this would be the first step in creating mobile tanks." Said Marcus as he took a bite of Rizaiki."And with time, perhaps we could mass produce it. But for now I will limit it to a 1,000 Suits, and please do test it alot."

"We will live up to your expectations your Majesty, I assure you with the funding you have provided us from your personal wealth it will be made to perfection." Said Tony drinking wine.

Ishigami Senku was fully immersed in the food, as it was too good for him, as he slowed down, he asked Marcus with a question."Your Majesty, there has been rumors surfacing about making contact with another nation, one abundant in consumer goods, specifically Meat products right?"

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