Chapter 10: Starting a Friendship Pt.1

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Fun fact: Marcus is on par with alot of Characters, even without devil fruits or special powers.

When Rowan became a Diplomat, this is what he quoted:"I believe this job will bring life changing experiences for me, all thanks to the King!" Little did he know this Jinxed the entire Kingdom.



After a while, when the Duke was infront of the King, he cleared his throat and said."Welcome to our esteemed Kingdom, King Neptune. I am Duke Leonidas of Laconia. I will be your host for today."


Neptune then looked down and said smiling."I thank you for your welcome Duke Leonidas, I truly am excited for such trip."

"Well then, shall we gentlemen?" Said the Duke."But with such size... I believe we will need to improvise."

"I have heard that your Kingdom has never witnessed giants before, so I will apologize in advance if the citizens become afraid." Said King Neptune.

"Ah no need to worry, his majesty already thought of that and the Research Institute in Tyros created a Machine that shrinks people. For that you mustn't worry about it your Majesty." Said the Duke.


Flashback, 2 Days Ago, the Estate of the Duke.

"So this Machine can shrink people?" Asked the Duke as he looked at a Retainer of the King, beside him Ishigami Senku.

"Yes, this can turn people into any desirable size if one so wishes, be it big or tiny it will work." Said Senku."It was also tested before, so it works Ten Billion Percent."

"I see, but I would want to test it again just to make sure there isn't any mistake." Said the Duke."With no Disrespect directed to you or his majesty of course."

"None taken, Duke Leonidas." Said Senku as he turned the Duke into a Tiny Person, nearly 3 inches long.

"What the?!" Said the Duke, agitated."Turn me back you Bastard!"

Then the Duke turned and saw his cat, approaching him.

"Oh no, Turn me back this instant!" Said the Duke as his Senku turned him back.

"There you go, no need to thank me." Said Senku as he put his pinky finger in his ear.

"Get out, never meet me again." Said the Duke, mortified by the thought of being eaten alive by his cat


Back to the Present.

"Not really fond memories.." Said the Duke as the Delegation which consisted of King Neptune, Queen Otohime, the rest of their children, and Jinbei were shrinked to normal size.

"It is a honor to meet you again, Duke Leonidas." Said Rowan as he approached the Duke.

"Ah Rowan, when was the last time we met, two years?" Asked the Duke who looked at the Diplomat and gestured with his hand to shake it.

Rowan shaked the Duke's hand and said."Yes, it has been a slow 2 years my friend. But I never knew that it would be this fast."

"Indeed, this delegation is truly unexpected to the Kingdom. Never have I expected to see a Kingdom so similar to the Legendary Atlantis." Said the Duke."Speaking of which, I heard you met three of the shadow Corps of Aegea, do you mind introducing me to them?"

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