Chapter 45: How France Came to Be Pt.1

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Bourgeois Kingdom, two Months before the Revolution

"..Article 47: Those of looks whom surpass the norm, shall be put into a position depending on how handsome or beautiful they look." A man was reading to the crowds, who seemed to be in an uproar.

In the Kingdom, it was known to have good looking people all over the Kingdom, letting the outsiders believe they are all born good looking. It has brought a surge of new tourism income to the Kingdom, enriching the rich, while making the poor poorer. And now the new laws are destroying the lower class even more. Which is causing an uproar.

"This isn't fair!" Said one.

"We aren't born good looking at all, how would we gain better work?! It's unfair!"

"And how would good looking people be efficient in their jobs? We can do better without looks!"

The man was tired of hearing them complain, the ugly side of the Kingdom, the Lower Class of the Kingdom, the Rats as the High Class don them."Shut it all of you! You would be grateful you are allowed to even exist in this Graced Land!"

A young, good toned man could only look at the crowd in anger."Tch.. Even when you have the power, you refuse to rise to the top and destroy that system.."

Jean D. Jean, a 43 Old man was born and raised in the Bourgeois Kingdom. He boasted good fighting abilities, and was working as an underground fighter. He was a man of good qualities and beliefs, often believing in the good cause of a true system where no one is ostracized by how they look, or how they are born.

In the Recent years since the Heir to the throne left the Kingdom, the King of the Island started a lot of reforms in recent years, mostly focusing on reforming the system of promotion, taxes, and the hierarchical system of the Kingdom, instead of hardwork to get the higher positions of an area, looks determine where you stand, if you were handsome, you would become an officer in the army if you so wish. It was a truly decrepit system in the forming.

Thankfully there are others who think similarly to him, who think a new system needs to be put into place. While they support another system, they don't have what they need to force a new system. They can only hope for someone powerful to aid them, perhaps the Revolutionary Army would be marvelous.

"Jean." Someone called out to him."There are some people who wish to meet with us regarding our 'life work'."

"Are they from the Higher Class?" Jean D. Jean perked up at the mention of the people, could it be some people knew of them and wanted to join them? Impossible, no one knows of the movement except for a numbered few.

"No, outside guests, I assume they may or may not be the Revolutionary Army." Said the friend of Theodore.

"Then let us be off to meet them."

Was this a sign? He said as he remembers the events that transpired before him, from the time he started the movement.


Near the Sea

Storm-lashed sea and driving rain. A great wave rises up and hammers down. As it recedes we see the figures of men heaving on great ropes, the sea water streaming down over their faces. The harsh storm light catches glints of metal: these men are Convicts, chained by manacles, heads shaved,wearing red shirts with prison numbers crudely stitched onto them.Now we see that the ropes run up to a ship that is being hauled ashore - a storm-damaged man-of-war, its masts broken, rising and falling on the surge.

As yet another great wave rolls over the convicts, we follow the straining ropes down into the base of the slipway, and find the convict Jean D. Jean, up to his waist in water, chained by two sets of manacles, as the rain and spray and wind scream round him. A great brute of a man, he seems to feel nothing.

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