Part 69 :D Fluff

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Chapter 69 yall! we made it!

im so fucking immature 

special chapter

think of this as a one shot, this has no relation to the story at all.

but its amazing :D

'Hey Scar!' Grian called from the kitchen. I walked in, to see him covered head to toe in flour, a big happy grin on his face, and flour, egg and chocolate chips all over the bench. 

'What happened here?' I asked, laughing and pulling him into a hug, plastering flour all over me in the process. 

'I tried to make cookies, but it didn't go so well' he said sheepishly. I planted a kiss on his head. 

'Need some help?' I asked, and he nodded. 'Ok, come on, let's clean this up.' I smiled. we worked together, and swept the floors, and cleaned the benches. I then helped him mix batter, and playfully slapped his hands away when he tried to take a huge chunk of cookie dough to eat. As we put the cookies into the oven, the doorbell rang. 

'Be right there!' Grian called, running over to wash his hands at the sink. As he walked to the door, I smiled to myself, and began to wash my hands. 

'MUM!' I heard him yell, before there was the sound of him jumping on someone, and a small oof. I walked out, to see him clinging to Pearl, her arms around him. 

'Hey Grian, haven't seen you in so long!' I smiled at the 2, and she gently set him down. 'Happy birthday Grian!' He gasped, and turned to me with stars dancing in his eyes. 

'You remembered?' He asked happily. 

'Of course Grian, how could I forget?' I said, planting a kiss on his head. He giggled happily, not answering. The doorbell rang again, and a chatter of voices came from outside. He looked at me, mystified, before turning to open the door. It swung open to reveal a crowd of people, all of Grians friends. They turned at the sound of the door opening, and simultaneously shouted;

'HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRIAN!' They cried. Everyone was there. Every friend of Grian had shown up. Timmy was there, with Scott, Skizz was there, Gem was there, Tango was there, clinging to the arm of Timmy, Ren was there, Lizzie and Joel, Doc, and so many others. We spent the day laughing and hanging out, and by the end of it, Grian was so happy his whole face was glowing. After everyone left, we sat on the couch, and he nuzzled into me.

'Did you have a good day?'I asked him softly.

'That was the best birthday ever' He replied sleepily. I smiled, and softly stroked his hair as he fell asleep. 

'I'm glad he had a good day'




no smut, just fluffy floofy fluff :D

this is so sweet :D im so happy rn

Don't forget to eat, drink and sleep!

Do as I say, not as I do!


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