20 years ago...

29 5 6

20 years prior....

Grian POV

Grian and Timmy sat on the couch peering out the window behind them into the garden.

"hey, HEY, look Timmy a butterfly!"

"Looks like mama's wings but orange."

A voice came from behind them, soothing and familiar, "No sweetie, I have moth wings. They're like a butterfly's but different."

Timmy nodded, fascinated by the new information. Grian turned and looked at her,"Hey mama can you do the moon thing?"

"Sure honey, but then you wash your hands, lunch is soon. Auntie Gem is coming over."

The figure closed her eyes, concentration pinching at her face. Hovering around her head, miniature plants start forming. Timmy claps, filled with admiration, but Grian noticed something else.

"Timmy, look it's another you."

He pointed at another young boy, standing in their kitchen, his eyes locked with his mother Pearl. He is the spitting image of Timmy, the only difference being his piercing yellow eyes. Pearl's face tightens in shock, meeting the child's eyes.

"Boys, that's not Timmy. Some people have what we call a double. Its an exact copy but, well they aren't very nice. Every double has yellow eyes, that's the way to tell them apart. We usually give the double another name, what will it be boys?"

The child twitched, Pearl took a protective step forward. The boys looked at each other when Grian piped up, "Call it Jimmy ma!"

He bounded up and down on the couch, making it creak just a bit.

"But my name is Jimmy." The smaller boy replied with a frown.

"No it's Timmy."


"What about Tammy?" Pearl interrupted, trying to keep her voice light.

"YEAH!" shouted Grian before leaping off the couch. The two boys held hands and danced around the loom, "Tammy Tammy Tammy Tammy Tammy!"

"Hi Tammy." Timmy said, in the direction of the yellow eyed boy. Then he frowned, "Tammy left. Is he hiding? Will he come back?" His lips her quivering,

Pearl moved to him, bringing him into a hug, "Sweetie don't worry. You might not see him again because he's a bit shy." She smiled and stood up.

"Now both of you, go wash your hands it's lunch time."

She hummed, watching the kids walk too slowly, inspecting where Tammy was, "If you're quick you can have icecream!"

"YEAH ICE CREAM!" The boys scrambled to the sink, washing their hands.

a/n im really proud of this chapter :D 

mother pearl :)

savour it, because she may not be here for long. Or maybe she will come back....

Don't forget to eat, drink and sleep!

Do as I say, not as I do!


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