Part 8 Grian POV

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I prodded Scar with my toe, trying to wake him up. 'come on scar, we have to get up or we will be late for work'

'5 more minutes' he mumbled

'Scar you have until the count of three to get up before I tickle you.' I threatened




'OKOK I'm getting up'

'that's what I thought.' I smiled

I got up and started making eggs on toast for breakfast, until I quickly realized Scar had no bread. Oh well guess its just eggs for breakfast then. I set 2 plates of eggs down, a glass of milk each, and some cutlery. Feeling very accomplished of myself I sat down to wait for Scar. When he FINALLY came out, he sat down with me and we began to eat. 'this is really good Grian!'

'Thanks' I replied blushing slightly at the compliment. wait, why was I blushing? if anyone else gave me a compliment like that I would just say thanks and move on. but now when scar gave me a compliment I'm all red? do- do I like scar? like, like like scar? no that's ridiculous, Scar is just a friend.

'Grian? G?'

'Huh yea?'

'You good man I have been calling to you for the past minute you were just staring into space'

'You good man I have been calling to you for the past minute you were just staring into space'

'Yea I'm ok sorry just zoned out'

He gave me a strange look, but just told me we should get going. once we got to the school, we went our separate ways. My class was already behaving like a pack of monkeys. how did they have this much energy this early in the morning?

<time skip cuz im lazzyyyyyyyy>

after everyone had settled down after lunch, the announcement bell suddenly went off. Attention everyone, Lachlan lockdown please come to the office. this was the code announcement for a lockdown

'ok everyone into the teachers office, stay away from the windows and doors, I am going to check on the other class. stay here. Sophia, you are in charge'

(Sophia was the oldest and most responsible child there, and all the other kids listened to her) Our classrooms were combined by a large teachers office, which scar and I shared, now occupied by lots of kids. I made sure all the windows and doors were locked, then check for the email that told us why we were in lockdown. the email told it was anti-hybrid terrorists and that since we had so many hybrids it was best to go into lockdown. I boiled with rage.

'where are you going sir Grian?' asked Izzy, the youngest in the class by 2 years. she skipped grade 3 and 4, that's how smart she was.

'Don't you worry your little head about that Izzy' I said ruffling her hair. her hair was a lot like mine, actually, dirty golden brown, wavy and annoying.

Grabbing my bag, I rushed to the change rooms, changed into my Cuteguy outfit, and went outside. All the terrorists were outside, trying to get in, so I flew to the top of the building, pulled out the burner phone.

'come on, pick up'

'hello? Cuteguy?'

'yeah we have a situation at hybrid high-'



'ok I'll be there'

beep beep beep

not even a minute later, Hotguy appeared beside me

'how did you get here so fast?'

'I was in the area' I thought it strange, but decided to ignore it

'ok, down there, we need to make out as many as possible, as fast as possible.'

'on it, I designed some net arrows, that upon contact, make a giant net, pinning people within 2 meters to the ground, until we choose to release them.'

'ok give me some of these amazing sounding arrows'

I took 4, and and in rapid succession, took down about 3 quarters of the terrorists. we started firing arrows at the rest, and they started firing back. terrorist after terrorist dropped, and soon there was only a few left. I heard a quiet ow, beside me, but thought hotguy just got grazed, so I ignored it. it was only after every terrorist had fallen that I looked over at him, and saw him clutching his arm.

'OMG' I dropped to my knees beside him

'Are you ok?'

'you are going to have to fix me up again like you did last time.'

he took his hand away and revealed the arrow stuck in his arm

'oh Hotguy, again?'

once again I cleaned him up, stitched him up, and gave him a whack around the head

'owwww what was that for'

'you are supposed to be good at this'

'I am'

I just looked pointedly at his shoulder, and then at his arm, and I think he got the hint.

'fair enough'

A/N you lucky ducks you getting a longggggg chapter!

drill comencing, dont forget to eat, drink and sleep,

do as I say, not as I do!


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