Part 18 He dead no more

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Oh no. No no no no no. How did they find out? This is like a nightmare come true. I stare at the newspaper in shock. A giant headline reads, BREAKING NEWS, CUTEGUY DEAD BY THE HANDS OF HOTGUY.

In the heated battle a few weeks ago, Hotguy and Cuteguy were fighting for Hybrid lives, and in a devastating turn of events, Cuteguy was shot in the skull by Hotguy. Some believe it was an accident, and some do not. The truth remains to be known.

I feel faint just reading it. Quickly throwing on my Hotguy costume, I head over to Scott's house, making sure to keep to back alleys. I don't bother with the door, and just climb straight through an open

window. I walk through their house until I find them in the upstairs

living room. I stand in the doorway to the room until Timmy looks up and notices me.

'Hotguy? what are you doing in our house?'

'ASK HIM' I spat pointing at Scott with the rolled up newspaper. Scott got up, crossed the room, took the paper from me, sat down, and began to read. His face turned a ghostly white.

'I-I- I swear, this wasn't me! I didn't tell a soul!'

Timmy took paper from Scott, read it over once, paled, read it twice, stood up and said, 'I'll give you two a minute.

A/N sorry but idk if its been mentioned, timmy and scott dont know scar is hotguy. they just know that grian was cuteguy. sorry dunno if i made that clear.

'Yeah right' I spat. 'You were the only ones who knew.'

'I-I-It-It wasn't me! I swear on my life!'

'We shall see about that' I snarled, and walked out.



Froggie POV

Up on the rooftops, Grian glanced at me with a worried expression. Suddenly the Watcher was dragging him forward over to me. The Watcher poured a salt ring around us, then appeared next to me.

'Your end of the deal please'

It handed me a glass jar, and I hesitated, before taking one of my arrows, and digging it into my wrist, and letting exactly three drops of blood fall into the jar. The Watcher snatched the jar back, placed it somewhere in the mist, and raised its arms, before beginning to chant. It's chant was eerie and ghostly. Mist began to swirl all around us, and a wind began to blow. Grian solidified, then faded again. Solid, transparent. Solid, transparent. Each time he solidified, he stayed solid a little longer. The winds began to ease, and the mist fell. And Grian stood before me, solid and alive again. He grabbed my hands and we laughed and danced, and spun in a circle.

'Come on!' i called 'We have to show scar!'

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