Part 16 Siblings?

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Scar pov

After carrying her back to my place, I placed her on the guest bed, and pulled the covers up to her head. As I sat down next to her, she rolled over and snuggled deeper into the blankets, just like Grian used to do. I felt tears prick my eyes again. Suddenly her eyes shot open. know how you feel scar, I miss my parents terribly. You just need to move on'.

'How did you know what I was thinking?'

'I- uh-' she stammered

'Its ok, you Don't have to tell me'

'No I'll tell you, its just that, I'm not completely human'


'I mean I know that' I remarked, gesturing to her wings and the eyes on the top of her head'

'That's not what I mean' she sighed. 'Its just, I can't just talk to the dead, I can do other things to.'

'Like what?'

'I can- not quite read peoples thoughts, but I can read their emotions and why they are felling that way.'

'Oh that's cool. Anything else'

'Yeah, I can- I can- l-'

'If you cant tell me that's fine'

'no its just, I've never told anyone this. She took a deep breath. 'I can control all the elements. I can control water, fire, earth and air. All of them'

My mouth dropped open in shock. Very uncommonly an extremally gifted person could control one of the elements, even more rarely 2, never before heard of three, and never ever before of all 4.

'Do you mind telling me who your parents are?'

'My mothers name was pearl, and my dads name......... I don't know


'You don't know your dads name?'

'He wasn't there a lot, he was mostly off fighting the terrorists. He would leave me alone for weeks on end with my mother, until he was captured and killed by the leader of the terrorists.'

I made sure to ask, and choose my words carefully. 'Would you like a hug?'

'Yes please'

She snuggled into the hollow of my chest, and I wrapped my arms around her.

'I am going to invite Timmy and Scott, do you know who they are?' after getting a slight nod, I continued. 'I will invite them over, because your mother sounds familiar.' 'I will be in my Hotguy identity,

and you will be an ordinary orphan. I found you in the streets, and

took you in. I noticed similarities between you Grian and Timmy, and thought to call him. Understood?'


Froggie POV

As he left, I sank back into the pillows. I really overdid it yesterday, and held the portal open for way longer than I should have. I was

about to fall asleep when Grian appeared beside me. 'Hey' I murmured.

'Sorry, are you trying to sleep? Do you want me to leave?'

'No its ok, I'm just waiting for scar to come back with Timmy. Where have you been?'

'At my mother's grave'

'Oh.' I paused. 'Can you-?'


I can hear the pain and bitterness in his voice, the regret for all the times they fought, and the longing to see her again.

'I'm sorry. What was your mothers name?'

'Pearl. but she left me at the age of six to look after another kid she

had.' again, pain and bitterness seeps through the cracks in his words, filling with envy, pain, and regret.

'My mothers name was Pearl as well, but I don't think she would ever betray another child of her own like that.'

Just then, the door slams, and Sc- Hotguy calls out, Froggie? We are home'

They all walk into my room, and Timmy gasps, turning pale. 'She looks exactly like Grian did at 20.'

Ghost Grian scoffs. 'I looked nothing like you. I was much more handsome.'

I smiled. 'Excuse me Grian, are you calling me ugly?

Timmy goes even paler, if possible. 'Who- who is she talking to?'

'Grian I would assume' offered scar. 'She can talk to ghosts'

'Grian could do that'

I turned to Grian. 'You could?'

'Yeah, but I never did, it felt wrong.'


'what did he say ?' asked Timmy eagerly

'I was just asking him if he could really talk to the dead. He just said yes.'

Hotguy chooses this moment to interrupt. 'Anyway, I called you here because Froggie has a spooky amount of similar qualities to Grian and you, and I wanted to help her find her family.'

At this point, I zoned out of the conversation. turning to Grian I asked, 'do you really think we are siblings?'

'I mean I guess its possible as our mothers have the same name, we look alike, we have similar powers, and we are all birds.'

'I'm not just a bird though, I'm a double hybrid, I am part frog, so maybe we are only half-siblings'


just then I was interrupted my a tap on my shoulder.

'Hey Froggie?'


'Did your mother have purple blonde hair?'


'And you are 20 years old right?


'Oh my god it is her' stammered Timmy

'What's going on?' I asked

'You are the little sister Timmy and Grian's mother left them for 20 years ago'

hotguy x cuteguyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin