Part 2 Grian POV (art by me yes ik terrible)

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Checking the news, I saw there had been another attack. I really hated those terrorists, but what could I do? I was just nobody Grian. As I scrolled down further in the article, I mentioned Hotguy had come in and saved the day again. Oh how I wished I could do something so heroic, something to stand up for all hybrids, and their rights, but there was nothing I could do. Was there? A plan began to formulate in my small birb brain. I rummaged through my closet, I pulled out tight black leggings, a long sleeve black shirt, and a black fabric mask. Getting out my sewing kit, yes I have a sewing kit, I did home economics in school, chose pink and red thread, got a picture of Hotguy up on my laptop, and tried to replicate the symbol on his chest. After hours of hard work, (yes I said hours, because I made a hotguy cosplay once, and it took me LITERALY 3 HOURS TO GET THE SYMBOL DONE. THE SYMBOL ALONE TOOK ME 3 HOURS.) my symbol was complete. It was slightly more rounded than the original, and looked slightly like a heart, but that was ok. I turned the shirt over, and cut slits in the back for my wings. If I wanted to be a hero for hybrids, I couldn't hide being one. Now to protect my identity. The mask was good, but I could use some sunnies. Digging through my cupboard, the only pair I could find was a pink love heart pair. Oh well, they would do for now. The last thing I needed to do was change the colour of my wings. Only my parents, Timmy and Scar knew I had wings, but still. Focusing hard, my wings gradually began to change from rainbow, to a beautiful black and pink gradient. Now how fast could I change my wings in order to not be revealed? Focusing harder, my wings changed back to red, yellow and blue almost instantly. Excellent. With some practice, I could do it instantly, no effort required.

My disguise was ready.

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