Part 1 Scar POV (I don't know who drew this,anyone who does tell me pls)

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I looked down over the edge of the building, scanning the floor for trouble. Nothing. I sighed, leaping seamlessly over the gaps between buildings. After the attacks on the Avian flight centre, its seemed to be a hotspot for trouble, anti-hybrid terrorists everywhere. As I leaped to the next building, I halted upon landing. There was a suspicious figure climbing over the low walls surrounding the flying arena. They were dressed in an all black suit, with black sunglasses, the typical uniform for big terrorist groups. I swung down for a closer look, and as I did, saw several more slinking in after. In a split-second decision, I decided to follow them. Just as I entered behind them, they pulled out pistols and began shooting at the avian hybrids. This infuriated me, and my friend Grian was an avian, and had described to me how sensitive to pain wings were. I notched an arrow, letting it fly, hitting one of the terrorists in the back of the head, knocking them out cold. Shoot. That was a rash move. Sure enough, they all turned, and instead of shooting at the avians, they began shooting at me. Bullet after bullet I dodged, with only the occasional graze, constantly firing arrows at them. Thank god they were all terrible shots. One by one, the terrorists dropped down unconscious from my arrows. Someone had called the police, and they soon arrived to take the unconscious bodies to jail. Then the media turned up. Welp, I think that's my cue to leave.

hotguy x cuteguyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora