The dream slayer

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Grian POV

'I think they heard us-' I turned to Hotguy.

"Quick, I'm better at hand to hand combat, so you stand back up on those stairs and shoot them as they come up."

"Whos says your better at hand to hand?" He sulked.

"Well they don't call me the Dream Slayer for nothing."

His eyes widened.

"You mean your one of those who killed Dream, the PVP GOD?"

"That's me baby," I see movement, "Now go. Only don't shoot me this time."

"Don't remind me." He groaned.

He took his position and I pulled out my sword, just as the mob rounded the corner of the stairwell.

And everything froze. They stared at us for a split second, and in that split second I was ready.


As I lifted my shield, a quote ran through my head, it all spilled out, "Raise your shield and cry for help, but no one is coming." I gripped my weapons tighter. The quote wasn't about him, Scar always has his back. And Froggo, if we didn't manage to shove him in a closet and lock the door the second we found him.


Did you guess the song? if u didnt... 

fanfic inside a fanfic I found :D


"Aw! Where did you get cookies from!" Grian asked, smiling sweetly as a blush dusked his cheeks. He fingered the smooth lid of the jar, but almost dropped it when Scar answered, in a tone that was emotionless, monotone.

"They're for your secret soulmate." He rolled his eyes, his smile dropping glared at Grian.


Grian felt a chill down his spine.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He said firmly, wings puffing up protectively, but even he could not convince himself.

Scar studied his soulmate carefully. His wings were puffing up, like they always do when Grian's nervous or scared.

"Oh, yeah? Then what's this I heard about a piece of sugarcane showing up miraculously in Ren and BigB's base? I thought we were the only ones who HAD sugarcane." Scar questioned in a dark tone.

Grian gulped. He remembered the day he had given a piece of sugarcane to BigB to seal their "secret soulmate" deal.

"You know what, G? I don't know why you don't trust me, but you know what? Fine! Whatever! What. Ever! Unless we become the last pair of greens or yellows in this server, we are NOT soulmates of any kind. How. Bout. That." Scar snarled and stormed out, leaving Grian standing there, more lost and lonely than ever.


The room felt like a cage, trapping the echoes of laughter and shared secrets that now seemed like distant memories. I clutched my heart, the world had connected us, and now a cruel reminder of what we had lost. My heart, once buoyant with love, now sank like an anchor in a sea of despair. A choked sob escaped me, a guttural sound that seemed foreign, as if someone else were suffering in my stead. I felt the sting of tears, hot and relentless, blurring the room around me. Scar's words echoed in my mind, each syllable a dagger tearing through the fabric of our shared dreams. "Why, Scar? Why?" I muttered, as if the walls could provide an answer. But they remained silent witnesses to my anguish. The photographs on my dresser mocked me with frozen smiles, capturing moments when we believed nothing could tear us apart.I stumbled to my feet, my limbs heavy with grief, and paced the room like a caged animal. The shattered fragments of my heart cut into my chest with each step. The weight of loss pressed down on me, threatening to suffocate any remnants of hope that dared linger. I glanced at the mirror, half expecting to see a stranger staring back at me. The reflection was me, but the eyes were hollow, devoid of the spark that Scar had ignited. My hands trembled as I reached for a framed picture of us, now a relic from a time when love flowed freely between us. As the tears subsided, replaced by a dull ache, I whispered Scar's name into the void, knowing the universe held no answers, only the relentless march of time. The echoes of our love lingered, a ghost haunting the corridors of my broken heart.


I stormed out of the our cake base thing and immediately caught sight of the panda emporium. I stepped inside and fished out a piece of bamboo to feed the jellie panda closest to me. "Secret soulmate. Hmph. I don't need a soulmate. These Jellies are enough for me!" I sighed. But Grian... I really loved him. I just... felt a connection with that parrot. Which is weird, because I only knew him when Double Life started, but... i feel so free and comfortable with him! No, Scar! It's over! You are by yourself now! You don't need a soulmate! You can cope by yourself! With newfound confidence and joy, I petted each Jellie panda before leaving the emporium. "Goodbye, Grian. May the watchers light your path until we meet again." With that, Scar walked away.
its really good aint it?complete credit to Dangitsviolette_



dont forget to eat, drink and sleep!

do as I say, not as I do!


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