Part 15 A conversation with the dead

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Froggie POV

'Ok, hold out your hands'. He did so. 'When I give you this, ball of light, kind of, you just need to hold it, I will do the rest' He nodded, tight lipped. I think he was afraid Grian would be mad at him after what happened. 'Hey,' I said in a softer voice, 'you'll be ok. trust me'. I turned to Grian, floating beside me. 'When I give the ball to Scar, you need to place your hands on it please. He nodded. I don't quite know who to describe what happens next, all I can describe is that I summon this, ball of light, I guess? its green and yellow with a red center dot. when the ghost places their hands on the ball, they can be heard and seen by anyone holding the ball. The only problem is it's a lot of effort for me to hold the portal open for long enough, and I usually end up collapsing before everyone finished their chat.

'Ready Scar?'

He looks slightly green but nodes his head. I hand him the ball, and Grian springs forward and places his hand on the ball. Before Grian

can get a word in, Scar starts to babble. I love you forgive.........It was

if there was anyway to get you back........... I cut him off sharply. 'SCAR! I CAN'T HOLD THE PORTAL FOREVER LET GRIAN SPEAK. Grian just smiles and says softly 'of course I forgive you. It was an accident and that's all that matters. If anything I should have been making sure I wasn't getting in your way.' 'RIGHT PORTAL CLOSING' I yelled. 'IF I HOLD IT FOR TO MUCH LONGER ILL COLLAPSE' 'Goodbye Cuteguy' sniffs Scar, tearing up. 'Goodbye Hotguy' says Grian through tears. the ball of light disappears, and I know from scars face that he is gone to him. That's the last thing I see before everything goes dark.

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