Part 34 - I spent 5 hours on this and you will like it.

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the image has nothing to do with the chapter, I just drew this and loved it so yeah- dont fret @stargazerdoge ur beautiful froggie fanart will be back next chapter :)

Froggie POV

I wandered up and down the hallway, wondering where those Grian and Scar guys went. I boiled with rage at the sight of "Grian's" wings. If those were my wings, they had done a pretty good job of covering the stitches. I wandered down a set of stairs, leading down to a kitchen.

A/N sorry, just realised I never really detailed how scar and grian's house is laid out, so here u go (yes I built this in minecraft I did not get photos from google) this is why it took me so long to update im sorry guyssss - idk if this will work, i sure fuckin hope it will, cuz nothin else seems to work

Hm. It was a nice house, and obviously well loved. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs, and turned to see Scar standing in the kitchen. 

'Hi? Um sorry I still don't know your name' I called to him. I'm not sorry. I thought to myself. This bitch is probably going to put on some act, and pretend we are friends or some shit. 

'Hi, I'm Scar, the other guy is Grian, um, he is your brother, and you are Froggie. We are in a Hero organisation against anti-hybrid terrorists, but you sacrificed your life to take down their leader, and we don't know if some are still active, or if our job is done.'

A loud, booming echoey voice drowned out my thoughts, making me flinch. 'Lies. It is all lies. They forced you to be part of this so called "Hero" organisation, and they are actually against hybrids, killing them. They sacrificed you to their fellow anti-hybrids, because you are a double hybrid, making you doubly cursed.' I blanked.

'Sorry, Scar, it is Scar right?'


'Sorry, what were you saying?'

'I was telling you about who you are, and who I am, and everything. So you really know nothing?' He looked at me with an expression I couldn't quite read.

'Yeah, I don't remember anything at all' It technically wasn't a lie. I didn't remember anything, but they had told me all about my life. Or, the main gist of it I guess. The finer points could wait. I knew what I needed. He nodded, and turned towards the stairs. 'Do you want me to show you around?' He asked. I nodded. We walked up the stairs, and he showed me his an d Grian's room. 

'Wait, are you guys dating?' I asked, thoroughly confused now.

He blushed, and nodded. 'Yes, me and Grian are dating'

I squinted at him. 'Oh' 

'Why are you making that face?' He asked, looking confused as hell

'No reason.' I giggled. This was one of the only times I could see him as a human, rather than a heartless empty shell. Maybe he did have feelings. 

'He doesn't, he is just good at acting' The voice boomed in my ear, making me flinch.

'WOULD YOU STOP THAT?' I yelled. Oops. 

'Froggie are you ok?' asked Scar with a concerned look on his face.

'Um yeah, I'm not feeling to well, can I go lie down?' I said, slightly too fast.

'Sure' He said side eyeing me. I went to my room, and flopped on the bed. Had I already fucked it up? Oh well, I guess I would see.

A/N sorry for not posting, as I said earlier, that house, I spent like 5 hours on it, and didnt wanna post until i finished it. if the link dont work. well fuck. anyways, hope u enjoyed

its 2:41 am I need sleeeeeeeeep

don't forget to eat, drink and sleep!

do as I say, not as I do!


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