Here we go-

44 2 20

sorry for not uploading, my laptop got confiscated-



also, one last thing, I'm doing this new thing were u try and guess what song I'm listening to while writing this, I will leave hints throughout the chapter, and if you go back through chapters u probably will find little leaks of what I was listening to, because when I write lots of things impact it, how im feeling, the environment around me, what im listening to, and what has happened in my life recently. so yeah, what song do you think I'm listening to?

Xisumavoid POV

I leaned back in my office chair, before glancing at my clock and sighing. They were late. Typical. He is either really late, and the only time he was on time, he was 20 minutes early, and then immediately left and came back late. Then my intercom beeped. I leaned forward and pressed the button. 

'Yes Kitty?' Kitty was my assistant, a ginger cat hybrid, often living up to the expectation that ginger cats only had one brain cell between them. But she was sweet, and got work done eventually, so I kept her employed. 

'Mr X? Mr Hotguy and Mr Cuteguy are here'

'Ok, send them in' The large double doors opened, and Gri- Cuteguy walked in, flanked by Hotguy. 

Cuteguy opened his mouth to say something, but I cut him off. 'Ok, here is what is going to happen. We are going to pretend I don't know who you are, and you don't know me. See those doors at the other end of the room?' I pointed to where I was talking about. Hotguy and Cuteguy nodded. 'Go through there, one to a door, yes you will be split up, deal with it.' I raised my eyebrows. 'Got it?' They nodded. 'Good. Please leave all weapons at the desk.'

'Why?' Asked Cuteguy, his eyebrows furrowing. 

'Safety precautions. They technically should not have been brought into this government room anyway, but my assistant is a ginger cat, and doesn't really think things through properly.' Hotguy removed his bow and quiver of arrows, and placed them on the desk.

'Do I have to?' Asked Cuteguy.

'Yes. And also, where is Cutegirl? She is supposed to be here.'

They glanced at each other. 'Cutegirl actually came out as trans, so his new name is Cutebirb, and he goes by He/Him pronouns' Hotguy informed me. 

'Oh ok, I will make sure to note that down. Now, weapons out please.' Cuteguy rolled his eyes at me, then unslung his bow and quiver of arrows. 

'All of it.' He rolled his eyes, and opened up his jacket to reveal a row of knives attached to the fabric. He removed each one, and gently laid them on the desk. 

'There, I got all of it'

I rolled my eyes. 'Hey, this is serious, this is not just some little game. Remove the knife in your boot, and the dart attached to your glasses'

He glared at me, removing said items. 'How did you know?'

I laughed. 'A father always knows.' I watched them walk towards the doors, and leaned back in my chair. I watched Hotguy walk through the right side door, and sat bolt upright. Oops. I forgot he knew him. Oh well. 

Scar POV

I stared at Grian as he removed every knife, and weapon from his person. Did not know he carried so many weapons on him.  What, did he expect to be jumped from every angle at any moment? I shook my head, and we parted ways, with me heading to the door on the right, and him to the one on the left. I opened the door, and walked in. Before stopping dead in my tracks. 


HEHEHE therapist cub :) im feeling motivated, and I might write some more, whether it gets published today or not, idk

so did you guess what song I was listening to?

and one last thing, 7th of march, please go wish @noahthedumbbell a very happy bday! IM COUNTING ON YOU-

Don't forget to eat, drink and sleep!

Do as I say, not as I do!


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