part 44 - Scar to the (not) rescue

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Scar POV

This bird. I changed, before packing enough clothes for Grian and I for about a week, toiletries for all of us, and obviously, I had to pack cookies. And as a last minute thought, I grabbed books for me, and headed out of the house to the nearest bus stop. As I got there, a bus trundled to a stop and I climbed on. I sat down  on the nearest available seat, staring out the window until we arrived at the hospital. I walked in the glass double doors, and up to the front desk. The lady there greeted me with a smile.

'Hi, how can I help you today?' She asked with a kind smile. (my handwriting is so fucking weird, why tf do I capitalise all my Ps? wtf? Hi, howcan I helP you tOday is what I wrote straight up lol)

'Hi, I'm looking for a Froggo? Has he been admitted?' She frowned at me.

'Do you by chance know an avian with messy brown hair and rainbow wings?' I sighed. 

'Grian? Yes, he is my boyfriend. I'm sorry, was he rude to you?' She smiled kindly at me.

'Oh no, he was just in a bit of a panic, you might want to go find him. Ward 16, room 2. Go into those lifts, go up to level 3, then follow the signs to ward 16.' I nodded, and peered at her name badge. 

'Thank you.......Kristen. (MUMZAAAAA) Thank you very much.'

(we're skipping the traveling cuz im lazy :3)

As I walked down the corridor, I heard a large commotion coming from.... room 2. Ah. So Grian is here then. (lol) I dumped the bags outside the door, and walked in. Grian was standing in the middle of the room, his face ashen, and his hands clenched into fists, his eyes squeezed shut.

'Grian?' No response. 'Grian? Pesky birb? Dove? You ok?' I placed a hand on his shoulder, and he finally seemed to come to. He turned to me, and I stepped backwards involuntarily, my hand flying to my mouth in horror. His usual black eyes, were glowing a vibrant, shining purple, small EVO symbols dancing where his pupils should be. 

Grian POV

'Dove? You ok? Came Scars voice. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned around. Scar instantly recoiled, putting a hand to his mouth. I blinked at him.

'What?' I asked in confusion.

'Your eyes- they were- they were purple'

A/N ok here we go, me struggling to read my shitty handwriting. 

i need serious help. I cut myself bangs, and I couldnt get them even, so I cut them a little shorter, and a little shorter, and now they are just at the point where if I cut them any more, they wont tuck behind my ears when im sick of them. AND THEYRE STILL NOT FUCKING EVEN.

I regret.

actually, after leaving for half an hour and coming back, they dont look that bad. I like them :)

Hey, i im actually going to be taking a watcha call it, rain check on updating this, I have everything to update this, but I have some personal stuff going on, and cant update it, im on a diff device rn, and I am currently speedrunning typing and publishing this so yeah, it may be a long time before i update this. im not discontinuing this story, just...... putting it on hold? even though im still writing? just handwriting? idkk. whatever.

so yeah, may be a while before I update this, so yeahhhhhhhhhh. bye for now ig?

dont forget to eat, drink and sleep!

do as I say, not as I do

toodles! (not forever :3)

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