Grian brain melt

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Before I start, just wanna say, don't really know how therapy works, I go to a psychologist, not a therapist, and I don't know if its the same or not. and also my psychologist has been away for like the past year, so its been a minute since ive had a session. yeah. no idea what im doing, im just gonna base this off what I think therapy would be like, and if anything is wrong, feel free to let me know. also, LAVENDER FANG, I LOVE IT, IZ BEAUTIFUL, THE PUNNNNNSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS "flips you the birdy" THE PUNSSSSSSSSSSSS I LOVE ITTTTTTTTTT

stargazerdoge u've been overshadowed :)

Grian POV

I walked into the room, and the first thing I noticed was a young woman, with large brown wings folded tightly across her back, and small pointy ears, wrapped in twisty green vines. I cleared my throat, and she looked up, and smile on her face. 

'Hey! I'm Elfie- Oh my, your wings are-' (yall noticing a pattern between my OCs yet? Froggie, now Froggo, Kitty, Elfie? anything?) I realised how I must look. I hadn't preened my wings in a couple weeks, and they must be filthy. 

'Hi, I'm Cuteguy. Yes, don't mind them, I haven't preened them in a while.'

'Well, hello Cuteguy, take a seat.' She gestured to a soft looking sofa across from her, but I ignored it, and sat down on the plush carpet, and wrapped my wings around me. 

'Or you can sit on the floor, that's perfectly fine. Now, I'm going to introduce myself. I'm Elfie, I'm 23 years old, and I'm an eagle and wood elf hybrid. I see you are a hybrid as well, what hybrid are you?'

'I'm Cuteguy, I'm 26, and I'm a rainbow lorikeet hybrid, but I can change the colour of my wings'

(for those of you who are gonna go "actually-" yes ik rainbow lorikeets have green wings, im australian, but grian never specified what type of bird he is, he is just a "rainbow parrot" and the only image you get when you search up rainbow parrot is rainbow lorikeet, so lori it is :)

She nodded. 'And why are you here today?'

'No idea'

'Ok I just realised I don't either, so I'll be right back.' She stood up, and her wings flexed behind her as she walked out. I relaxed a little, and began to preen my wings, carefully cleaning each magnificent black or pink feather. (remember when he is cuteguy his wings are changed y'know?) As I cleaned, I noticed the old, broken feathers that fell out, littering the floor around me, started turning back to their original colour, red, yellow, and blue feathers now littering the floor. I quickly scraped them into a pile, shoving them into my pockets as Elfie returned. 

'Hey, you ok? You're really tense' She pointed out. I realised she was right, and relaxed a bit. 

'Yeah, I'm ok. Just a bit tense with strangers.'

'I see. And why is that?'

'I don't know, I'm just not a super trusting person?'

(and here begins the tirade of really annoying questions that force you to think, and yet you still cant quite answer them)

'And why do you think you aren't very trusting?'

'No idea' I was beginning to get a bit annoyed. It wasn't even me who was supposed to be here, I only meant for Scar to have to do this. 

'Why don't you tell me about other things in your life? Do you have siblings, a spouse, pets?'

'Um, I have 2 brothers, and I have a boyfriend, and no pets.'

'Tell me about your brothers'

'What do you want to know?'


'Define everything.' I rolled my eyes. God she was annoying. 

'Ok' she steepled her fingers together. 'How old are they?'

'They are both younger than me, on is 20, and one is 23 like you.' 

'Ok. And what is your relationship with them? Are you friendly? Do you see each other often?'

I snorted. 'I live with one of them. So yeah, I see him quite often. The other one, I don't see him that often, but his husband works in the press so I see him a lot.'

'Ok' she nodded. 'What is it like being a hero? Do you enjoy it?'

I shrugged. 'It's ok, I like fighting the anti hybrids, but I don't know if we will be doing that anymore considering we-' I stopped. Shit. 

She leaned forward. 'Considering you what?'

'No- nothing' I stammered. 

Just then the door burst open, and X ran in, a phone in his hand, a worried expression plastered all over his face. 

'Cuteguy? It's your brother, I just got a call, he's in the hospital.'

Oh no. I'm ready to fight a war if someone did this to him. I stood up, and ran out of the room,and without noticing, dropping the feathers behind me as I went, without noticing. Behind me, Elfie stooped down and picked up one of the feathers.

Scar POV

'Cub?' My brother sat on a couch, his vex wings folded tightly behind him, white lab coat tightly buttoned up. I hadn't seen him in years, not after what happened with our parents. 

He looked up, and smiled. Then frowned. And then his face turned to an expression of shock. 

'Scar?' He whispered. Crap.

 (in this, vexes have this thing, like some birds can see UV, vexes can see this special colour, that im not gonna bother tryna describe cuz we cant see it, but basically everyone has these marks across their faces, cuz thats how some birds tell each other apart, with special markings and stuff. so yeah. uh- AnYwAyS- my ears are being assulted im listening to music at full volume with noise cancelling and im pretty sure my mother is screaming at me to turn it down but im ignoring her  ITS SO LOUUUUUUUDDDDDDDDD:)

'Scar?' He repeated, a haunted look on his face. 

'Uhh. Hi Cub.' I shuffled my feet awkwardly. 

'Yeah, I'm just gonna-' He quickly got up and scooted out the door, and before the door shut behind him, I heard him call out, 'Mr X? There is a slight issu-' I sat down, and waited. For who knows how long, I sat there and pondered. Just, pondered life. 

'SCARSCARSCARSCARSCARSCAR' Oh no. Am I gonna need to stop him from starting a resistance? Or is he merely up to mischief? He burst through the door. 'Scar we need to go. Froggo is in the hospital.' I jumped up, and he ran out of the room. By the time I had gotten outside, he was already in the air, flying in the direction of the hospital. Oh no. 


a long chapter, and out on time? its almost like someone kidnapped me and replaced me! *muffles screeches from behind* turns around. SHUT THE FUCK UP-

so did u guess the song? there is 2, one is a LOT more obvi than the other :)

LAVENDER FANG, THANK U SO MUCH *flips the birdy*

on the 7th of march, everyone please wish @noahthedumbbell a very happy bday!

Froggo in the h'opital (lavender fang did I get it right, my french is shit)

cub knowwwwwwwwwwsssssssssssssssssssssssssssss and scar knowwsssssss he knowsssssssssssssss

my back hurts.

Don't forget to eat, sleep, drink, and STRETCH AND STOP BEING A SHRIMP-

do as I say, not as I do!


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