Part 25 We both forgive you

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Grian POV

My heart sank as she hung up. Now I was alone. Froggie had always been our divider, but now she had chosen a side, the side I was not on. Was Scar mad at me too? Why would he be mad at me? Why was I mad at him? Froggie was right. He had done nothing wrong. I would have told him to run too. I didn't want him to get hurt. Why was I mad at him? I should go see him. I changed out of my Cuteguy costume, and leaped out my window, and into the air, flying in the direction of Scar's house. When I arrived, I saw Froggie in the kitchen, curled up in an armchair, reading a book, her wings wrapped around her. I remember when I used to do that. Maybe we were even more alike than I first thought. I opened the door, and walked into the kitchen. Froggie lifted her head, looked at me, and resumed reading.

'Changed your mind have you?' she scoffed

'Um, yeah?'

'He is asleep upstairs, don't you dare wake him up, he needs to sleep.'

I sat down at the table, legs crossed, and looked at her. She looked up at me, and seemed to think a second, before asking,

'Hey Grian? Who is your dad?'

I paused for a moment, shocked by the question. 'Well after our mum left me, I was raised by Xisumavoid, but he is not my biological dad, he just raised me. I don't know who my dad is, he left us when I was 2, I don't remember him.'

'Do you think we have the same dad?'

I paused again. 'I don't think so, because you are a double hybrid,

and I am not. Why are you asking all these questions?'

'I just want to know more about where I came from'

I sniggered, and she looked at me.


'Nothing, nothing at all'

'O-k?' She said looking at me suspiciously. I sniggered harder, before starting to full on laugh at her expression.


'Nothing at all Froggie' I choked out, rolling around on the floor with laughter


DIRTY JOKE I HAD TO PUT ONE IN YK? if yk yk if u dont............... sucks to suck

Scar POV

I rolled over, groaning, my back aching. As I slowly woke up, registered the sound of laughter from downstairs. That laugh was familiar. Grian? Oh my god. Was he still mad at me? I contemplated staying in bed, but decided to go downstairs. Quietly getting out of bed, and walking downstairs, I peeked into the kitchen to see Froggie

and Grian, Froggie sitting on my armchair, looking very confused, and Grian rolling around on the floor. Froggie looked up, and saw me

standing there. 'Scar help, he keeps laughing at me and I don't know why!' Grian rolled over, and jumped up when he saw me there. He ran over and hugged me tightly. I began to blubber.

'Grian I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left you, please forgive me I'm so sorryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy'

'Hey, it's ok.' He whispered in my ear. 'Froggie told you to run, and you just did as she said. It's not your fault.'

'But- But I left you for dead!'

He held my shoulder and made me look at him. 'Scar, look at me. It was NOT YOUR FAULT.'

I sank into his shoulder exhausted again. Froggie was right. I really needed to sleep. Grian, noticing my exhaustion, picked me up, and carried me upstairs to bed. Giving me a kiss on my nose, he walked out, quietly shutting the door behind him. I finally let the exhaustion take over, and sank into a deep sleep.

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