Part 4 Grian POV

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TW Blood, gore and a pinch o' swearing

As I read Scar's last message, I felt safe. If he didn't recognise me, nobody would. Except maybe Timmy, but he was out of town for a bit. After changing back into my normal clothes, I sped off to the café. As I entered, Scar looked up and waved at me, his face brightening.

'So tell me, who is this new superhero?' This was a risky game. If he figured out who I was, this whole thing would be done. Before Scar could answer, his phone rang. He answered, and listened. His face turned grim. 'Alright, I'll be there' He said quietly before hanging up.

'I'm so sorry Grian, but I have to go'

'It's ok Scar, I have to grade a bunch of the munchkin's papers anyway. See you at school on Monday?'

'Yeah, I'll see you then'

Hm. ThAs SuSpIcIoUs. (im sorry I just had to lol). Anyway, I flew home, climbing through my bedroom window. I didn't need to, but it was a force of habit after all that sneaking out I used to do. Even now, I was 26 and had a job as a teacher, I still lived with my parents and had a curfew. I walked to the kitchen, trying to be quiet, as my dad was in a meeting. Suddenly something I heard made me stop in my tracks.

'Yes, they have planned an attack on the Flying centre, and the attack will be launched in 10 minutes'

'No, if we evacuate, the terrorists will know something is up, and not attack'

'Yes sir.'

I felt a bubble of excitement grow inside me. This was my chance to prove myself! I snuck back to my room, put on my hero outfit, and as a last minute thought, checked the news. Nothing about a terrorist attack, everything about this "new superhero" who they have dubbed "Cuteguy". Ugh, what a terrible name, but it was better than nothing. Sneaking out my window again, I took to the skies, and flew over the flying centre. A single figure in black stood on the roof. I alighted silently behind them, and drew my gun. 'Turn around, put your hands up and don't move'. They complied. It was Hotguy.

'Oh my god, I am so sorry, I thought you were a terrorist'

He smiled a charming smile. 'It's all good.' He frowned. 'You're that Cuteguy from the news.'

'That's not my name'

'Well what is you name?'

'Why do you want to know?'

'So I know what to call you' He grinned. 'I think Cuteguy suits you'


'Fine whatever, my name is Cuteguy then' I paused. 'Anyway, now that I'm not pointing a gun at you, do you want to know what I am here for?'

He laughed. 'Oh sweetie, it's kind of obvious, you want to help me take down the terrorists'

'Well done' I frowned. 'So can I?'

'What makes you think you are equipped to help me with the terrorists?'

I snorted. 'Seriously? You saw me take down those creepers, I can fight, I can fly, and I have a hell lot of rage for bitches who think hybrids are second class citizens.'

'Alright' He agreed. Then he frowned. 'How did you know there was an attack here and now?'

'Don't question it, what matters is that I'm here'

He frowned again. 'Do I know you from somewhere? You seem so familiar'

'I don't think so, but then again, I don't know who you really are, so it's possible.'

(oh scar and grian, if only u 2 knew)

Just then, and shot was fired, and we sprung into action.I pulled my bow from my back, and began shooting arrow after arrow at the terrorists, each one hitting its mark. The arena was chaos, panicked avians flying everywhere, cramming the exits in an attempt to get out. Suddenly Hotguy let out a groan. 'What?' I shouted over the screaming.

'The media is here, and sending a drone up, can you shoot it down?'

Without replying I pulled back my bowstring and hit the drone out of the air, and continued shooting. By now the terrorists had figured out where we were, and were trying to shoot us down. Arrows whizzed over our heads, getting dangerously close to us. Suddenly Hotguy yelled out again, but this time its was a cry of pain. I looked over and saw an arrow sticking out of his shoulder. I crawled across the roof to him, and looked at his shoulder. He attempted to break it off, but I stopped him.

'Don't do that, you'll hurt yourself more'

I pulled out a small first aid kit from my backpack, and pulled out bandages, stitches, a needle, and some antibacterial wipes. I gently tugged the arrow out of his shoulder and began cleaning the blood away with the wipes.


'It's antibacterial wipes, what did you expect?'


'Shut up you big baby, this part is going to hurt a lot more'

After stitching him up and bandaging his shoulder, I went straight back to shooting. This whole time they had still been shooting arrows at us, which gave me plenty of ammo to take them all down one by one. I grabbed Hotguy by the waist and flew us down to the floor, where the police were rounding up the unconscious terrorists. As soon as we landed, Hotguy stumbled and fell over, I grinned. 'never flown before? I asked.

'you gotta give me some warning next time man!' he replied with a haughty look on his face

'oh shit the media is here' I said as a response

'up we go! 'I yelled grabbing him by the waist again and lifting off before we got swarmed by media. We alighted on the top of a tall nearby building. We sat there in silence for a minute, before I asked, 'how is your shoulder?'

'it's good, thank you.'

more silence.

'Where did you learn to fight Cuteguy?'

'I kind of just picked it up along the way. I had a difficult childhood'

'Oh, I'm sorry'

More awkward silence

'The sun is beginning to set, I should probably go home now' I said

'Oh yes, of course' Hotguy replied. 'meet here tomorrow?

'Yes of course' I agreed.

'oh and before I forget' he handed me a burner phone

'what is this for?'

'my number is installed in it, so we can reach each other'

'do you just carry these around?'


'anyway I really have to go now'

'See you'

'See you'

A/N over 1000 words, you lucky ducks! will be posting next part again soon!

don't forget to eat, drink water and sleep- oh shit I haven't eaten breakfast or lunch

Do as I say, Not as I do!!


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