Part 29 - Tricked

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Sorry in advance for any mistakes I'm on my phone and not used to typing on this small ass keyboard I usually write on my laptop

??? POV

'Hello my child' An unearthly voice whispered, the words flowing and echoing around me, seeming to come from everywhere.

'He-Hello?' I called into the swirling purple fog. 'Who are you?' And who am I?' I wondered to myself. Whoever myself was that is.

'Now now my dear, you don't know who I am? Or yourself for that matter? What a pity. Who I am is unimportant.Who you are? Well that is more complicated. You are dead'

I involuntarily gasped. 'What?'

'Do not fret my dear, you shall soon be not'

'Not- Not dead?'

'Well done, such a bright girl already'

'I may be dead an I may not know who I am, but I can still understand sarcasm' I scoffed, rolling my eyes. 'So care to tell me who I am and where I am now?'

'Your name is Froggie' Whoever it was paused.

'I need more info than that mister.' I said sassily. 

'Boss I don't like her can you send xany in to deal with her instead?'

'Rude' I smirked, rolling my eyes. A deeper voice echoed round the room.

'No, you are on training, she is your problem.'

'Fineeeeeeeeee. Your name is Froggie. On earth, you where apart of the superheroes league, but against your will. Their main leader, Hotguy, or Scar, as you call him, forced you to join, and bring back the other member, Grian, or, Cuteguy, to life, after he killed him. They forced you to life with them, and to fight for bad things. They gaslighted you into believing that what they were doing is right, and then they killed you, a sacrifice to the things they do. We are bringing you back to life so you can extract revenge'

'Woah, slow down buddy, what? Forced into a superheroes thing?' I rolled my eyes. 'This seems a bit far fetched if you ask me'

'Turn around, you have wings. You have them now, but on earth, they cut them off, them dyed them rainbow, and sewed them onto Grian.'


'This is why we are sending you back for revenge. Enjoy it,and use your time wisely. Your best bet would be to pretend you still remember nothing, and let them tell you their lies. Then strike when they least expect it'

'Oh you bet I will.'

'Go my child, and remember, call upon us whenever you need. Just say Xanxy the times very fast, and I shall appear, for whatever need you may have.'

'Send me off or whatever, I need revenge.' A flash of purple light, and I was in a dark tunnel, zooming along, a pinprick of light slowly getting larger, forming a room, before everything pitched, and I was in a room, in a bed, two faces staring at me.

A/N sorry again for any mistakes, I'm on my phone, and also my updates may be slightly sporadic,ive started another giant cosplay project, and yeah, is kinda taking up all my free time.

Don't forget to eat, drink, and sleep!

Do as I say, not as I do!


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