Chapter 126

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To be swallowed by the silence again – after the sudden commotion that had chanced to much was odd. The silence in and of itself was odd. But Wu Xie knew that it must have been because how this place was build. And the mist.

The dark while mass of nothing encompassing this place – it seemed to swallow the sound. Gulp it right down with nothing left.

Wu Xie still half kneeling on the statue let out his breath. Nothing could ever be easy, not in a place like this. Still holding the empty carabineer in his hand staring down at the meatal that still felt cold in his fingers.

He had cut him off.

Wu Xie didn't even pay any attention to the brown smudges on the bandage. Didn't care how they had gotten there after he had payed enough attention before to keep it clean.

His eyes only stayed fixed on the empty carabineer.

After all this – Wu Xie wondered – how easily Qiling had just cut it off. The rope between them. Wu Xie could feel a weight on him growing heavier and heavier.

Had Qiling not said – that this rope would keep them connected? Qiling had obviously known about the statue. The thought alone seemed to constrict his torso – Wu Xie's breath growing more and more into a pant.

Qilings voice echoing in his ear. His tone had been commanding when he called for Wu Xie to cut their rope. Had been commanding when he had shouted at him to stay back as he disappeared together with Fatty.

Again. Wu Xie remembered their camp, Qiling only looking back at him for a moment before leaving into the ruins. He must have already known back then. Wu Xie clinged to the cold carabineer in his hand – as if he could break it with his own hand if he only tried enough.

He remembers the sound of a carabineer just like that hitting the cold stone floor, when Qiling had left to do who knows what in the darkness of that labyrinth.

"Damn you." Wu Xie cried out almost sobbing, throwing the carabineer down. But it only made it rattle against his belt.

Huffing against his own labored breathing. Why does he always have to leave him behind like this.

Calm down – he tried to tell himself. He should know better than to get emotional in ruins like this, Wu Xie told himself. Breath slowly, in – and out.

But it didn't help against the hurt accumulating in side of him. Didn't Qiling know? How much Wu Xie just wanted to be with him together – exploring some ruins.

Was he really as much of a burden, as he has heard others say again and again? Was that why Fatty and his uncle had told him to run and hide should anything happen, why Qiling always left to take care of something – and didn't bother with him as soon as the job was done?

"damn you" Wu Xie whispered into the white darkness again. Shivering with the sudden cold. He could not see a single thing down there. Everything could be waiting for him.

But Wu Xie prepared himself for jumping into that mist – he'd just have to show them that he was capable right? Then Qiling wouldn't leave him behind any more, and they could explore together?

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