Chapter 85

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This tunnel system was interesting. Sure, he had seen his fair share of labyrinths. Hidden corridors and rooms. Places that would get you to unconsciously walk in circles.

But just like the elevator system in the tomb under the see, the entry tunnel looked exactly like the tunnel that lead deeper into the temples underground.

If you don't notice the hidden tunnels you will only walk in circles. If you notice them you would, just like he had done – start switching between the two circles. With the corridors as long as they were it was unlikely that you would find one that was close to an exit point.

This was just a mirror tomb with a, a bit more complicated layout. At least that was what Wu Xie suspected at the moment.

That would mean, as long as one was in the right corridor system simpley going straight at every crossing would lead to the exit or entrance.

"Too easy" Wu Xie mumbled, into his own knee he still held close to his body.

Where were the complex traps? The animals killing every intruder? Where were the arrows, falling boulders and fire pits?

Had he just been lucky and managed to avoid any danger while running away from the mercenaries? That sounded very odd to him. In the past he had even managed to activate old and malfunctioning traps without even getting near the proper trigger.

Was it the fog? There had to be a reason why the builders had tried to not let it escape this labyrinth. Was there some kind of slow acting inside of it? The thought had him shiver again.

Oh, how he wished to be with X – Zhang Qiling at the moment. Who knows with what problems he and Fatty were dealing at the moment.

He knew that Fatty had made him promise to run and hide when something like a fight should happen. It was the second night during their expedition, before they even had left into the jungly mountains.

It was during the first time Zhang had left to scout or go for a stroll. Who knew.

His uncle too had called him aside and told him - if there is a fight you run. There was something else about him being too weak and not making others protect him.

He listened to them. He won't listen to them again. When something like this will happen again, he will just hide somewhere close by. So he can watch what is happening. Maybe even ask someone, who isn't Fatty or Family to try and teach him some self-defence.

Wu Xie gripped the flashlight from the floor, holding it in his unhurt hand and started pacing up and down the tunnel.

The light breaking through the darkness just in front of him. Fifteen strides, was the length of this tunnel. Fifteen strides and back, from door to door. His legs still acing – but refusing to stay still. His breath quickening with every bloody scenario his brain could think up. Then slowing again when he forces himself to calm down again.

He should be resting and waiting. He should be.

Wu Xie freezes, with the slight cold breeze brushing his neck.

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