Chapter 25: My My a Little Spy

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"Hmm I got great news everyone!!" Everyone seemed to perk up upon hearing the enthusiastic jester's announcement.

"Hmm I got Dina to talk to Helen about being our little spy! He's never been apart of HIS team, which makes this plan much more simpler!"

Everyone was relieved to hear news on how the war was going, but this piece of news was much more better, because this time there was a plan involved.

A way out..

"I don't mean to bring down anyone on ther' news, but I have news as well.." Frankie interrupted everyone's mental celebrations that rang through their heads. They all looked to Frankie's stern, facial expression with a look of curiosity. Frankie was never one to speak out, so why now?

"Hmm yes Frankie? Is this news on the war?" Frankie shook his head.

"Then continue."

"It's about Jason. He had a human in his tent without permission, and even went out of his way to defend the human, and sent him out the blue door that connects with his workshop." Candy Pop seemed to take all the information slowly. Not believing a word that came out of Frankie's mouth. Though Frankie wouldn't lie about something like this, even he knew that.

"Hmm Are you certain?" The stitched, zombie nodded his head without any hint of hesitation.



"Sooo...where should we go?" Once Y/n and Isaac left their house, they got to see a bunch of police cars speeding to the house, and break the door down. Unknowingly to them, that the murderer and his accomplice were all ready out and safe.

"I'm not quite sure....I didn't really think you'd want to stay with me..I mean you've warned me about something like this happening for years..."

"You really think I'd let out friendship go after all that we've been through?" The man laughed. He just now realized how far they both had to go through just to get comfortable, and settle down for a bit. Just to live normally, even if it was only for a little bit, even though their normal wasn't normal at all they still stuck by each other's side.

"Guess so..I'm really sorry you have to deal with this..."

"I'm fine. Stop apologizing."

"If your sure, but still..."

"Can't change what happened, no matter what. We make decisions, good or bad, but you gotta stick by those decisions.." The man hummed in acknowledgment, knowing he wouldn't get far with trying to convince her that he was too fucked up to be around. She clearly didn't care...

"Oh look! It's a gas station!!"

"Uhm okay?"

"No seriously! Gas stations sometimes have maps!"

"Wait seriously!?" You hummed, while starting to make your way inside. Causing Isaac to wear his mask, and hope no one questions the mask, or why he was covering his face and hands.

Once inside the run-downed, sketchy, gas station. You checked all around for any sign of a map. If you could find one it'd make being on the run so much easier for the both of you. You could see Isaac looking as well from your peripheral vision. You saw the employee at the desk fiddling with a newspaper, this was the perfect opportunity.

"Hey sir? Do you have a map by any and my friend are quite lost."

"Oh! We actually do." You seemed to have startled him a bit, but he did end up answering your question.

"Awesome! Can me and my friend see it?" The older man nodded, and headed to the back room.

'So he keeps the map in the back room, huh?'

"Hey Isaac, we got a map coming our way!" Isaac immediately stopped searching, and perked up.

"Thanks y/n!" Isaac was so happy, it was hard to contain your content smile. Maybe this won't be as bad as you initially thought?

"All right I found it!" The older man from behind the counter, came back with a map.

"Here you both are!" They both thanked the older man, and went to check the map out.

"So were both here at the gas station obviously...but! There are many options we can take as our main route. I'm thinking we leave the UK in general...but only if your up for it, besides we still have lots of other options to hide out for awhile."

"I think we should go with your plan..I love this place, but it's not safe here...not no more..besides going to a different country could help us keep our identities hidden for a bit longer!" Isaac was esthetic that you agreed on his original plan, the hardest part about having someone with you, was having to agree to things, though you made it bearable for him.

"Okay, then it's decided."


"Okay then it's decided." The man that was lurking behind the rack of random snack items, was intrigued upon hearing an odd pare of friends state that they had to leave the country to keep their identities, though Nathan knew it would be very difficult to get to the airport, and not be seen as suspicious. So very quickly he conducted a plan, and proceeded for the aisle that he was just behind, to confront the couple of suspects.

"Hello.." Isaac and y/n froze, and slowly turned their heads from the paper, to the strange-looking stranger, who was deemed that he just listened to both of their conversation.

"Uhm hi?" Y/n meekly mumbled out, thinking she was gonna have to be on the run from police to. At least before they didn't know Isaac had an accomplice, now it seemed they just might.

"What did you hear." As Isaac said this he pulled y/n behind him while holding onto her hand, making sure if shit hit the fan they'd both be safe.

"Everything...but..that's why I'm here...I want to help you..I'm just like you..I'm on the run too..!" It was hard to understand the man with how quiet he was. Y/n took notice of his voice's tone, that almost sounded like he was mumbling.

"What do you mean? You..killed people to?" Isaac didn't want to let the man know y/n wasn't a killer, in fear of what he would do, if he knew.

" fact, I do a lot...with a bunch of other to...! Though for now I'm banned from entering, due to a little scuffle from earlier.."

"Is this some sort of fucking cult?" Isaac laughed a bit at your bored tone.

"No...we just don't want to be we bear with each least that's what Jason told me...he told me that I shouldn't be alone...that I should go with was a great choice..! That's why..I want to let you have that chance I got..." Isaac looked over to you, questioning you with his eyes. Almost like he was saying 'what do you think? Are you okay with it?' Which you were, it's not like there were many options, besides, when your on the run, who would turn down an offer like this?

You nodded your head, signaling you were okay with it. Which made Isaac turn back to the man.

"Lead the way."


"Whereeeee are you goingggg clownieeeee boyyyy?" Laughing Jack hated when Papa Grande called him that, but he never actually called people by their real names.

Yes Papa Grande...he just recently got here, and so far he's been more trouble than what he's worth...

"Victim." Were the only words that left the maniac clown's mouth. This surprised Grande at first since he didn't laugh, but eventually got over it.

"Ah okaaaaaayyyy" Oh, how frustrating he this old magician could be..

Is it wrong?/Laughing Jack x Reader x Isaac GrossmanWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt