Chapter 16: Betrayal

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Where are you Isaac..? You lied to me....!

I don't remember how long it's been since I last saw Isaac....

All I can see is the faded, color puddle I made from losing my colors...

I don't wanna lose hope in Isaac though...he promised..!

He's been through a lot too...why would he make his dearest best friends go through the same stuff he has..?



Isaac will return!!

And y/n will be happy again!

It'll all be okay..!!

It's all lies.....everything.....

I worked so hard for this...only for it to be messed up.....

That makes me so mad..!

I just want to break's killing me..I just wanna HURT him..yes..! That's what I'll do! Hurt Isaac..!! It's all so clear to me now.

Everything I worked for was destroyed..! BY HIM...HE did this to ME

I'm gonna kill him..! And y/n to! She forgot me just like Isaac did...!

"It's all so perfect!! Ooh~ Isaac, y/n. I'm coming for ya'"

No..! He can't think like that... there his best friends...


Y/n woke up with sweat all over her body, gasping for air.

'That had Laughing Jack, and Isaac in it...but..Isaac killed some women...and Laughing Jack lost his mind..his body had dark colors that were dripping the last bit of color off of his was awful..'

Y/n got up in a hurry, paranoia hitting her like a truck.

If her dreams somehow connected to the real world like they usually did, this wouldn't end well at all...

Y/n hurried herself to the kitchen, getting a plate from the drawers above the stove. She hurriedly made a sandwich, and went back to her room.

It's been years since she last saw Isaac, and Laughing Jack.

That last moment with Isaac always made her tear up a bit. The last memory of them being with each other was heartbreaking, but the way they both spent it made her heart feel warm.

She knew their friendship would end..she just didn't know if it would be revived..

And that scared her... the two people she built her life around faded away from her before she could blink.

A truly heartbreaking story.

Well...that was until she heard ruckus outside.

'What was that?' She hurried herself to the window of her parents house, who were sleeping soundly upstairs. After making her way to the window she noticed how eerily quiet everything was.

That was until she heard the noise again....okay this is getting weird..

"Hello! Is anyone out there..! If your a person leave. This is personal property..! You will get arrested..!" The noise was heard again.

'I bet this person wants me to go check out the noise myself, but I'm not that stupid..' she mentally face-palmed.

'I'm being stupid..I should just go back to bed.' That was until the noise was heard again.

It was...a dog? Digging in her parent's trash can.

'Yep. I'm officially dumb.'

"Hey buddy, sorry I didn't realize you were an animal..! I thought you were a person being a creep! Goodnight dog!"

And just like that she went off to bed.

What she didn't realize

was that wasn't no ordinary fact it wasn't a dog at all...

It didn't belong there...

the human world.. it shouldn't be there.


"This doesn't make any sense!!" Y/n would constantly scream out in frustration after every dream. They didn't make any sense to her, why would she have them in the first place? There was no real reason as to why.

"So stupid..! Fuck you dreams! You make no sense!"

Y/n quickly composed herself after realizing this was getting no where.

Then she thought of something..

"If Isaac and Jack wont come to me...then I'll come to them.."

Y/n was sick of waiting, and she was gonna find them.

No matter what.

Authors note: I had to cut out a lot of pieces in this that didn't make any sense..which is why the chapter is so short. I apologize for the wait! 

I also hate she/her y/n don't know why I used it in the first place.

Is it wrong?/Laughing Jack x Reader x Isaac GrossmanWhere stories live. Discover now