Chapter 59: Do The Do

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⚠️ Implied Sex and talks of cum and other obvious indication of sex ⚠️ 

Also Y/n freaks the fuck out after killing someone so there's a warning for that to

After everything calming down they all decided to watch a movie together. It felt like the most normal they all had together in a long time. Everything felt like dream. You had never imagined you would all have a chance like this ever again, but now here you all were relaxing, and watching a movie.

You were still worried about what was going on in the manor. You missed Nathan who you have considered a great friend. You had only hoped that he was doing okay..

That whole Helen situation that occurred hopefully hadn't gotten any of them hurt or worse...

Candy was still out there hunting for you..

He wanted you dead.

You often had nightmares centered around him. Which was odd that you haven't been having your dejé ve dreams like usual..

But Jack, and Issac told you not to worry about it too much. Though it was kinda difficult to when that's all you could think about. Your boyfriends were a great distraction during the day, but at night there was no one to distract you from yourself.

A few uneventful days went by, and you tried your best not to fret over the dreams or the others. Your stomach rumbling broke you out of your thoughts, and you came upon the realization that you were hungry..


You hurried down the stairs from the bedroom you all slept in, and looked around the old kitchen in hopes of finding something. You all had been eating some of the few stuff you brought back from the manor, but it wasn't much at all for three people. You sighed out, and hugged yourself from the cold air. This place has no heater..but it was still better than staying at the manor! A sudden knock on the door caused you to jump. Fuck!

"Police open up!" Fuck fuck fuck.

You shakily, and hesitantly walked up to the door, and opened it only to be greeted by a very stern officer. He looked at you confused for only a moment, and then anger formed in his eyes.

"Get out of my way I need to search this place!"

"You don't have a warrant!" The cop laughed in your face.

"This isn't your house." Uh oh..

He grabbed you harshly, and pulled you away from the door. While also dragging you while he searched the bottom of the house. You scratched his arms in hopes that he would let you go, but to no avail he didn't. He finally got to the room where....fuck! The bone chair Issac made!

You pulled the officer trying to get him to stray away from the door, but he never stopped his pursuit to the room. Then you saw it..a knife that laid on top of the dresser! While he was pulling your body you grabbed the knife, and plunged it down his back. He coughed up blood, and dropped to the ground. You stared down at the corpse below you, and the sudden realization struck killed someone!

You backed up from the body in fear of yourself. Your breathing became ragged, and halted. Your body began to shake, and your anxiety spiked to a new level you've never even felt before. It hurt.

You were scared...

You couldn't move..

Was there more officers arriving..?

Would you go to prison..?

What would your boyfriends think...?

Sure they were murderers, but you weren't...

Is it wrong?/Laughing Jack x Reader x Isaac GrossmanWhere stories live. Discover now