Chapter 26: Killer Names

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"All right.. here we are..." Nathan was still nervous about being here due to earlier, he had no clue wether the scuffle has been resolved or not. He had hoped if he brought more serial killers for the war that he would be allowed to stay...the same thing happened with Helen..he brought a killer here, and Candy Pop suddenly adored him, and even permitted him a tent.

Something else that kept bugging him was if Jason was okay..did they punish him for breaking the rules? Did they let him go since he's still useful? Will they force Jason to kill him? So many thoughts were swarming Nathan's head, causing him to start scratching himself on his neck due to stress.

"Uhm..are you all right?" Nathan didn't answer, and instead asked them both a question.

"Killer names." Both y/n and Isaac had no clue what he meant, just standing there, staring at Nathan dumbfounded.


"Your code name, go." Nathan was quick to correct himself, and to dumb it down for the two.

"Oh, I'm not a-" Isaac quickly hushed her trying to give a signal to play along, Y/n understood.

"Mines is just Y/n.."

"And mines are just Isaac."

"Seriously?" Nathan was quite bored with their names, he had hoped it'd be something cool..

"What do you mean 'seriously' you literally told us your name in the gas station!"

"Well yeah..that was to talk with you guys. That's not my actual killer name..."

"Then what is it?"

"....It's Nathan the Nobody...." They all just stayed quiet after that, while Nathan slowly realized that, his was his name just with extra words....

Well now he feels stupid..


"Hey, Nathan..I'm really sorry about the argument that I caused was foolish of me.." Jason recited in the bathroom mirror for the tenth time.

"No..! That's not good enough..." Jason was disappointed in himself, he felt like he let the one person that actually cared about him down...

"What the actual fuck are you doin'?" was Frankie again.

"None of your business. I had quite enough of you for the day, may you allow me time for myself, thank you."

"Jason..just because Candy Pop didn't do nothin' to ya' yet, doesn't mean he won't be nothin' at all."

"I am quite aware. I've been here longer than you have."

"Just sayin' don't let your guard down, hah!" The zombie left with a victorious laugh, causing the red headed toy maker to sigh in annoyance.

"What a prick.."


"All right kiddo HaHaHaHAah what do ya' wanna do next?"

"Hmmm uhm..I don't know.?"

'This kid is fucking annoying, can't wait to kill him.'

"Oh, well! I can decide for ya'!"


"Will what are you doing up there!? Wanna come down and watch a movie with me!!"

"Oh! That's my mommy! I gotta go mister clown, but I'll be back. I promise!"

"Ohhhh I'm sureeee you willl!!" The clown laughed as he watched his new victim run down the stairs.

Is it wrong?/Laughing Jack x Reader x Isaac GrossmanWhere stories live. Discover now