Chapter 37: The Manor

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Back in the human felt weird honestly..

It didn't even seem that you've been gone for so long....but it felt like you've been in Laughing Jack's circus for weeks..maybe that wasn't too far off? It was hard to haven't had the greatest luck with keeping up with time for the past three years.

"Where do we all go now?" Your question was ignored, but it wasn't on purpose. Everyone for once had no clue where they should go...

"Why'd 'Papa Grande', 'Judge Angel', 'Jason the Toymaker' and you leave Jack?" Jack turned his head to Isaac who had wearily questioned the clown on why everyone BUT the famous manipulative jester came.

"Because..for one Dina loves her boyfriend Helen a lot...Papa Grande claimed he would get bored without watching arguments every day. Jason cares a lot about Nathan. Me..? I..don't want to get separated with you two again..."

"We won't. Not no more.." Jack looked to Isaac with guilt written all over his face.

"Isaac...I'm so sorry..! I know nows not a good time.."

"Not this shit again Jack!" The clown flinched at Isaac's outburst, but hesitantly turned his head to Isaac who now had a firm grip on his clawed hand.

"You were trapped in a box for...who knows how many years..that would drive anyone mad..I-I just...I wish I knew why..why I forgot you both so easily.." Isaac had a hard time keeping his emotions together. Which is why he snapped at Jack for blaming himself earlier, proceeded to regret it, and try and comfort the clown while confessing how he felt, while his eyes burned due to him holding his tears in.

"We'll figure it out, y/n, and me." Isaac let out a shaky breath while slowly making his way closer to the clown. Jack looked confused until Isaac basically flopped down onto his chest, clinging onto him like a koala.

"......please don't make fun of me." Jack's eyes warmed a bit before he gently pulled Isaac closer than before, if possible.

They both didn't seem to notice how the group went off without them while only one stayed behind.

"..are you two friends again??" The sound of y/n's excited voice should have spooked them. It should have made them awkwardly pull away from on another while letting out a forced laugh.

But it didn' fact it almost felt natural for them all to be so close..even if it wasn't with one never felt awkward, why?

"I think so.." With this confirmation from Isaac, Jack jumped with joy squeezing the male a tad bit tighter, but not enough to hurt him one bit.

Everything was finally normal again...their friendship was back..just like before...why does the word 'friendship' sound so disappointing now?

"Still didn't cry." You and Jack merely stared at the male who had proudly admitted that he hasn't used a fucking normal human thing.

"Isaac...what the fuck?"


It had been at least an hour since that heartwarming conversation. Now you all were on some path leading to who knows where.

It grew much darker to your dismay. Luckily for you Isaac knew of your fear of the dark, and had moved much closer to you holding up your hand while rubbing your knuckles with his fingers.

Apparently he must have told Jack as well, since the clown was trying to speed everyone up, and encouraging them all to seek shelter for the night.

Gosh you loved them.

Is it wrong?/Laughing Jack x Reader x Isaac GrossmanМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя