Chapter 43. Chances

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That was all she could hear the moment he spoke about her. It was difficult to be surrounded by people whom you don't even know. All of these people in front of her and their criticizing gaze made her self-esteem deteriorate. It was uncomfortable to hear someone share your life story as if you're some kind of a history book hero whose life is a public discussion.

She saw traces of shock, interest, and hatred in the eyes of her spectators. Maybe it was true. She was a freak. The morbid silence only proved it even more. She felt her bones macerate by the minute, and her stomach flipped, urging her to regurgitate. He was the only one who understood her, but somehow, that faith seemed to fade somewhat. How can she trust him when he didn't even explain what she saw when she touched him. He only distracted her thoughts by playing a stupid conversation.

"Is she dangerous?" The puce eyes of an odd-looking witch stared at her hotly. She felt her cheeks burn and her eyes hurt. The woman with auburn hair, which she knew as Ms. Gennaro gave the weird woman a warning glance, and that woman shut her mouth.

"I can see her powers can be useful, but how do we know she is on our side and that she will not change position in this ordeal? How can we trust her... How can we trust you? " The Galbraith man looked at her and looked at Snape. She wasn't stupid and could read between his lines. There was something about Snape that made him less trustworthy. But what is it?

"I am not persuasive by nature. Trust me because you must, but if you don't, then the deficiency is yours. " Snape spoke in his cool yet harsh baritone and almost rolled his eyes in disgust. She tried not to smile when she heard him. He was obviously crushing this American Professor into shreds. Reverse psychology, how quaint of Snape.

The Galbraith man seemed to get the message he implied in his statement. That's why he didn't speak again.

"How long have you known that you have these powers, Ms. O'Brien?" Mr. Roshan asked the girl after a few minutes of more silence.

"She discovered her powers when she was a child. It was her mother who told her to ignore those abilities. " it was a good thing Snape was there to rescue her with those inane questions. She closed her eyes and sighed before she faced them hard again.

"Mr. Snape, do you think we can ask a short demonstration of this rare yet powerful Auctoracy?"

Snape looked back at her with concern in his eyes. She wasn't used to this kind of setting or this kind of attention. It must be hard for her to be locked up in this kind of situation. All she wanted was to help, but these people were expressing hate, fear, and doubt towards her.

Snape was about to disagree with this notion when she abruptly got up from her seat and gave them a strong gaze.

The girl beside the Ilvermorny Potions Master watched her suspiciously. Hermione knew the girl ever since she set to Hogwarts. The most beautiful girl in school, those were Percy Weasley's words, not hers. And now, she has a rare magical talent when all along she was just a wallflower. She couldn't just believe that this was all happening.

Olivia watched Professor Galbraith and slowly approached him. "May I?" she asked in a small voice, and the Professor cautiously allowed her to touch his hand. She took all her courage and placed her hand on his palm. She closed her eyes and tried to summon the strength inside her.

The magic she collected from her mind started to course through her, and flashes of magic traces started to creep towards her chest. A few seconds later, Olivia fell from where she stood and looked at the horrified Professor in front of her.

Snape quickly helped her to stand, which didn't go unnoticed by Hermione. She wanted to scream that Olivia O'Brien was nothing but a fraud, but she had no right to place her opinion in this meeting. She was lucky to be here because of her exceptional talent, and she would never let that opportunity slip.

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