Chapter 15. A Christmas Wish

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A young adolescent with a small frame had been flooded by her problems ever since she had lost contact with her friends. This was the first time she celebrated Christmas without the accompaniment of her friends. She never knew why she had stayed at Hogwarts this year, all miserable and alone. All she knows is that she was so ignorantly tired of her life.

Hopes were wearing thin at that time. Her friends never failed to send owls here and there, asking if she was okay and comforting her as much as they could. They even sent their gifts to her just as she did for them.

But even though she was showered with gifts and praises, she felt that hope and peace had already left her in this messy, emotional world. There was no one she could talk to. No one would even dare to understand or listen. She wished to remove the tarnishes in her heart but there was no chance of success. Her head was completely unhinged by a burning past, an immobilizing present. And now, a stormy future surely awaits her.

Like everyone else, she had made a severe mistake due to the fact that she was sad and furious. She almost lost control of herself, for she hopes that she could ease such pain she kept acquiring as time went by.

Christmas was unexciting to her. For the first time ever, she went down to the library not because she wanted to read, but because she craved for a place to hide.

The room was cosy and sublime, in her opinion. She loved the scent of the book, to the little nook where she always sat at the library. She never cared if Slytherins would say that only nerds and dorks belong to this dusty and boring book storage room. For her, being here gives her the best feeling in the world.

She took out the book from her bag and as the light shone on the cover of the book, two golden words can be read; Shakespeare's Sonnets.

She opened the book and simply flipped the pages to find the chapter where she had stopped.

"Love is not love which alters it when alteration finds or bends with the remover to remove. Oh no! It is an ever-fixed mark that looks on tempests and is never shaken. It is the star to every wandering bark whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken..."

"It never came to me that the studious know-it-all like you Miss Granger is an insufferable, hopeless romantic."

"Professor Snape!" Hermione almost exclaimed when the intimating dark professor came lurking out of the shadows.

As his words registered in her mind, she quickly closed the book and bowed her head in shame.
She got up from her seat as her eyes searched for the door.

"Ms Granger," he called her and watched her carefully.
She looked back to see him slightly glaring at her.

"I think I haven't contemplated any plausible reason on why a student would ever conceal herself in this inferior place."
He wasn't asking her, she thought. It was another little insult again.

"I am sorry, Sir. I didn't mean to disturb you. I have to go." And that was all she wanted to say.

Holding her book, she walked slowly, with an even, hesitating pace.

He knew he could never prevent his mouth from expelling unfriendly words. He wondered if things would have been better if he tried to call her back and made small talk with her. But then he was not a novelletish person who can socialize with others.

He scratched his oily hair unknowingly. He couldn't take his boredom any more. He had made up his mind already in refusing to attend the Christmas Banquet this year. He was too tired of hearing the same thing every year when December comes. Same old Christmas.

The hours passed like the drops of dew in a leaf gently tickling its surface. It was already midnight. Hermione went out of the Common Room and went outside hoping she could see the Christmas star.

The cloudless and moonless night gave way to the plethora of sparkling diamonds in the sky. But there was only one beautiful star that stood out, the rest merely looked like pawns bowing down to their king. Of course, the Christmas star.

She quickly closed her eyes and whispered "I wish... I wish..."

But she doesn't know what to wish for.

"Oh! There's no such thing as 'I wish' ".
She turned to leave and forget the resentful evening when he saw a familiar figure in the distance.

Severus Snape was looking up at the sky with his eyes closed.

He must be wishing too, she thought.

Snape, who accidentally heard the girl's voice in his head, rapidly opened his eyes wide and faced the young female who was eyeing him.

She felt embarrassed once again about the situation she was in at that moment, but she chose to leave there and then. She patiently waited for excessive yelling, insulting or any point deductions, but to her surprise, five seconds had already passed but she still heard nothing.

"Wait, what? Why isn't he..."

She turned to him and saw him walking in her direction.
Uh-oh... she said to herself.

She closed her eyes again for she expected a devilish act from her professor when the most bizarre thing happened.

She felt a warm, thick garment delicately placed around her shoulders to fight off the freezing breeze in the night.

"Go inside, you foolish girl. Even though the snow has stopped, the cold weather isn't at an end yet. Miss Granger, up to this day, I am still having second thoughts about whether I should consider you intelligent or not." He left her without even letting her defend herself.

As she went back to the Gryffindor tower, the bewitching scent from the robe wrapped around her removed her troubles that time. It soothed her insides as if he embraced her and staved away the cold.

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