Chapter 38. Maybe this Time

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Unexplained disappearances in North America revive memories of the First Wizarding War

Almost a decade after the brutal war characterised by unresolved and unexplainable disappearances, American wizarding folk are again vanishing. The Magical Congress of the United States of America bestowed a formal action following the similar enigmatic evanescence of several witches and wizards in Northwestern Europe. The President of MACUSA, Pres. Samuel Quahog immediately sent an invitation to the Ministry of Magic to adhere and confront the predicament at hand.

He had seen this morning edition of Daily Eagle from Pittsfield, Massachusetts. The paper was given to him by the Minister himself in the wee hours of the morning. Cornelius Fudge has been trying to contact him and Dumbledore asking for advice on what move should he do with the invitation Pres. Quahog has given him. During these times of conflict, the people with the authority crumble even if they are the ones who should be the source of strength.

Snape was looking directly at the twinkling eyes of the Headmaster, but his mind was clearly elsewhere. He asked for his presence that morning even if he had other things to attend to. He didn't mind leaving Ms. O'Brien in his classroom, but he didn't want her to feel unappreciated like what he did to his former apprentice. He was watching the Headmaster yield the information he needed to acquire, but he couldn't listen to a word he said. He couldn't concentrate on anything. He was contemplating another scenario in his mind. Questions started to flood in, and he listened to the Headmaster's notions no more.

Ilvermorny was located in Massachusetts. Suddenly, an acidic feeling in his stomach started to delve into him, which completely knocked him out. He was thinking about one person. Well, this isn't the first time she owned his thoughts. It was only this moment that he was full of panic and stress.

Where could she be? Is she okay? What if she was one of those who disappeared? Captured? Or worse, killed? The disappearances were reported, but the names of the victims were concealed by the Congress. His eyes were blurred by his raging agitation.

"Severus? Are you listening to a word I'm saying?" he was pulled out of his reverie, and he avoided the questioning gaze of the older wizard. He couldn't return his gaze because he knew his composure might reveal certain cracks he didn't want to show.

"I may be listening for quite some time," came his bored yet austere reply.

The Headmaster knows something, or maybe someone was bothering him. It wasn't too difficult to identify if he's anxious because his eyes said it all. No matter how hefty the mask he'd been keeping himself in, Dumbledore could see right through him. There was a small fissure in his heart that most people address as a weakness, but for him, he sees it as a form of salvation. Perhaps, love? Maybe not. But who's to say it isn't love? Only time would tell.

"I am sending you to America as soon as possible. I already spoke with Cornelius last night. He said we needed to act promptly. This is, shall we say, another racial destruction."

His body grew rigid with anticipation. He was going to go to America. It wasn't the excitement of leaving a country for a trip but the incitement of finding a particular witch he longed to see for a time. He slowly nodded and headed for the door when Dumbledore's voice spoke again.

"And please, do bring Ms. O'Brien with you. I believe she has a right to check on her mother in America."

He turned to him and cocked his eyebrow, urging him to continue. Of course, he had long known that his new apprentice's mother works in the Congress, but being wrapped in a silly idea of bringing her with him made him slightly disappointed. Why on Earth does she need to come?

"Her mother's was one of those witches that were captured. I obtained the knowledge of her passing written in Pres. Quahog's letter as well as many others. He decided to expose the information to those who were accountable enough to talk to. He only shared the confirmed deaths of several people. He didn't want to alert anyone and cause terror to everyone, especially now that the person behind this attack is still obscure."

He paused for a moment before he absorbed everything he had just heard. The mother of his apprentice was one of the validated victims of the disappearances that were killed. He didn't know what and how to tell her. Even if he did feel sorry for her, he wasn't the type of person who would be comforting.

He quickly ran for the door and perambulated the halls back to his classroom. His mind was spinning with confused thoughts about his apprentices. He hadn't been pestered by anyone's problem before. Not that he cared. But now, he had no choice but to do whatever he could for them. Just as he thought. Apprenticeships are nothing but a source of headaches. Very severe ones, indeed.

He entered the room to find the Ravenclaw female seated in one of the chairs lined for his class. She didn't seem worried, maybe a little flustered and bemused due to the headmaster's urgent call.

He cleared his throat, and the girl quickly faced him, her movements exhibiting respect towards him. He wanted to tell her right there and then, but how could he? He may be cruel, nasty, and stubborn, but he wasn't entirely heartless. He wanted to keep everything in a gradual process. He didn't want to shock her with his news.

"There is something I should tell you, Ms. O'Brien, " he began, "I was summoned by Professor Dumbledore earlier this day to be informed of certain circumstances occurring in the present time. That is, the disappearances of magical folk here and in America."

She was waiting for more, listening fervently and wondering why it was necessary for him to share the confidential information the Headmaster told him.

"There were lifeless bodies found in a small park outside Massachusetts. Those who vanished were immolated by their perpetrator. And, your mother was one of those who were found."

That was the simplest and the least painful way he knew to give her the most heart-wrenching news in her life. He watched her amethyst eyes grow cold and empty as time passed. She was sitting there, arms shaking and eyes trickling with tears. She stood from where she was seated and left the room very slowly. Before she could close the door, she bowed her head in his direction and was soon out of sight.

It was rather emboldening that even in the most woeful times of her life, she never forgot to show respect to him. He knew she needed time to accept everything.

He went to his personal quarters and accio'd a black suitcase to fetch some clothing for his mission in America. He would tell her she should come with him at her earliest convenience because there isn't much time to lose in these times of an evil approaching their way.

He looked at his table and saw the familiar picture of a young Lily Evans beaming at him. It always lifted his spirits whenever he saw her, but now, seeing her felt like nothing. Her memory only seemed to him as a part of a past that was no longer connected to him. He was yearning to meet someone else. And this time, he will make it right.

He turned the frame in a reversed position and placed it in a downward direction. He was ready to let her go. He was ready to open himself up again if she would accept him.

He whispered a few words to himself before he closed his eyes and went to sleep.

I'm coming, wait for me.

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