Chapter 40. The Brilliant Plan

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It was a miserable day, grey and cold. The wind was lashing against the window as the unpruned branches of some weird looking tree scraped the massive and currogated rooftop of the shining Ilvermorny castle. Sighing with utmost disgust, a raven haired man in his prime and a brunette teenager got up from their respective beds and stared into the dimness of the morning.

Hermione opened her eyes. She was in an awful mood the whole night before. She couldn't believe she had seen him again. No, that wasn't it! He's here in America. He's currently resting in one of the guest chambers provided by the Headmaster inside the castle.

Desperately wanting to return to the moment where she'd seen him, she closed her eyes and focused on yesterday's events. It must have been an incredible dream, but it felt so genuine and intense. She opened her eyes once more and sighed. It wasn't just a dream. Now, she had to confront the situation she was in.

She wondered about him all this time, but seeing him with a new girl made her blood run cold. They seemed so cosy with each other. Snape never let anyone touch his arm, let alone allow someone to speak for him in a heated discussion. He even called her by first name. Olivia, Olivia. The girl who broke Percy Weasley's heart. She's pretty and gorgeous, alright. She had that bright smile that captured one's attention. Her beauty wasn't something you'd not notice immediately. Her radiating perfection made her stand out to the crowd.

She watched her reflection in the mirror and huffed loudly. Her hair was messy and resembled the tufts of a broom. Her lips were dry and were in a thin line. She knew that Olivia was far more attractive and desirable than her. Now, she had to see that girl entice and lure one Potions Master.

She quickly brushed those thoughts out of her mind as soon as she realized what she was doing. Does he still affect me? I think not. She berated herself. She was about to go to the loo when an unwanted memory came flashing back to her.

Reaching a cold hand to her lips, she recalled his kiss. Her heart melted at the memory, and for a moment, she was brought back to Hogwarts, where she truly belongs. She loved him, but he never reciprocated. The reason why she left was because she wanted to find a place where she could release all her pain and channel it in a healthy, productive way. She was starting to be okay again, but now, her progress will lead to her ruin.

He never loved me. He never did. He never will. It was all me. It was all just inside my head. How I can be so foolish? How can I even move now that's he's here?

Avoidance. That would have to be her tactic in the future. Whenever he comes her way, she would just has to walk another path. Besides, he was here for a mission. He wasn't here to catch up with a runaway apprentice who thought she could force him to love her back. She would just show that she had lost interest in him and was finally content with her life.

She was convincing herself for almost a couple of hours now, but there was something inside her that couldn't decide. Why was she still empty and miserable? Why does she feel like she was her heart and was carved out of her very core?

Then, she remembered Percy. He cried his heart out when Olivia rejected him in his fifth year. His life was crumbling, but then he was comforted by another Ravenclaw, Penelope Clearwater. Well, she never came close to her beauty. Penelope had a common, plain face and skinny body, but they ended up falling in love. Even though she knew Percy still ached for the beautiful girl, he became much happier now that he met someone worthy of his love.

Maybe that was the key? She should try to replace someone new so she could get over him. She knew that plan of hers was brilliant, but the question was, who's the person who would take his place in her heart?

Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on her door, and she quickly ran to open it. She fixed herself before she opened it and forced a smile on her face.


Snape was roaming around the halls during that grey morning, for he couldn't stay in his new chambers much longer. His sanity was hanging by a thread at that moment. What was wrong with him? Was he intimidated by that young Potions teacher who touched the shoulder of his former apprentice? He was young and very likeable, indeed. He could not deny that his appearance could deceive the loads of girls.

But Hermione loves him. Wait, does she love him still? He wasn't certain about that. He was hoping she still does. Besides, love isn't something that will evaporate overnight. Love is a connection that binds you to another, and this tie can not simply be removed by some hot guy who walks around in this school.

His thoughts shifted to his apprentice and decided right there and then whether he would admonish her or give her credit for assisting him the other day. He never understood how a girl's mind works, and he knew he needed her help in order to decipher Hermione's actions and win her affections back.

Will Ms. O'Brien complied with his request? He needs her to wake Hermione's hibernating feelings for him. She's beautiful, beautiful enough to make Hermione jealous. He'd seen her stare at him in one of their enrichment classes, but he simply ignored it. He was so immersed with his overflowing ideas when he realized that he hit his mind.

If Ms. O'Brien accepts his plan and takes the role of a pretend love interest. What if she unexpectedly falls in love with him? He couldn't afford to make someone feel sorrowful because of him.

He knew how that felt like. A person passed to a master and to another master, proving his loyalty to them. He felt used and got tired with all of those painful missions given to him. He doesn't want to hurt Ms. O'Brien in the way he experienced. She was far too young and beautiful to be used as girlfriend for hire.

He was still consumed by his thoughts when a familiar face looked at him and smiled. Olivia O'Brien was approaching him, and he didn't know what to do. Should he just leave and go back to his rooms or wait and talk to her?

His question was answered quickly when he saw two people heading their way. The Galbraith man and Hermione were strolling and were enjoying their talks as they paced the hall. Snape hastily grabbed Olivia's hand and brushed a stray blonde wisp of hair from her face. He was looking intensely in her eyes, and that made Olivia shudder. She was so glad about his gesture, but when she saw an immobilized Hermione Granger near them, she understood why Professor Snape did such a thing.

Affirming the scene that the Professor had initiated, she held his hand and smiled sweetly to him. She guided him to the gardens of Ilvermorny and was soon out of sight.

Noting the jealousy procured in Hermione Granger and Severus Snape, Robert Galbraith and Olivia O'Brien accepted to be their rebound. Even if they knew that there was no point in joining this chaotic game since they are the ones who'll always lose in the end, they paid the toll and commenced their journey to the doomed roller coaster of love.

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