Chapter 22. Answered Questions

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A sinewy and an astonishing wind inhabited the dungeons one bright Tuesday afternoon. The Hogwarts trees were dancing in a rhapsodic tune. It wasn't an unusual day or maybe a fancy one so you can see students sauntering the grounds filled with noise and glee.

Hermione walked silently towards the cold dungeon hall thinking of other things before she could meet her Professor. She thought maybe Harry was going to another Hogsmeade trip with Ginny. She knew the female Weasley always liked her best friend but it was odd for a girl to make the first move.
Ron, on the other hand, might be sleeping on his four-poster bed complaining that the bed is in love with him that the bed won't even let him go to outside on the warm weather like today. He's always acting that way. What a lame excuse!

She reached her destination and as she knocked to enter, a small smile formed on her lips. She was met by the usual surroundings of the Potions classroom yet when she came to see him that day, she saw things in a different light. The very same light she has seen in his eyes two nights ago.

Snape saw that she was quite energetic that moment so he tried to conceal his soft side which he failed to hide last time she was with him. He thought of being grumpy and strict again to the girl but when he looked at her, a strange pale iridescence glowed in her beautiful eyes.

She doesn't seem to notice the glow in her eyes because her facial expression was questioning him. A few seconds after that, the female blushed and looked away. She caressed her face while confusion obviously swallowed her.

He assumed that the reason she was stroking her face was mainly that she might have thought there was something on her face that's why he had been looking intently towards her.

He coughed a bit to get her attention and asked her to help him grade the papers.

"I think I have nothing to assign to you today but the stack of papers needed to be graded. If you can finish it early, you can leave immediately."

The ream of papers were second year Potions essays. She bit her lip as she took her quill and inkpot her eyes not leaving him. He was ever so cold again but at least she was the only person who spends extra hours with him. That would be enough.

She dipped the handsome scarlet feather quill to the ink and began to correct the mistakes of the essays.

She wanted to look at him every now and then but she was too afraid of being caught. Seeing her haplessness grow as time went by, she buried herself to the papers waiting to be kissed by the red ink.

Snape was quite unsure whether he should talk to her again but he cursed himself for he let her have a fragment of himself that night. Nobody saw him for he was and he would want to let it stay that way. Privacy was his top priority.

An hour or two had passed but still he didn't move from his position. He was a bit bemused to see his student fall into a slumber after a couple of hours grading.

Her face were slightly covered with wisps of hair while her eyes were tightly closed. This wasn't the first time he had seen her sleeping. That night when she had the nightmare and he took her to his chambers was the first. But now, he was hoping she would at least open her eyes even for a short while, he missed seeing those eyes showering with colors.

He looked at her small frame and hesitated for a moment. Should he dare carry her to his chambers, again? Would she see him differently if he did that? He was on the verge of giving up but he saw her smile in her sleep, he took that as decision.

Carefully, he carried her and watched her sleeping figure. He was unaware that his eyes were glued to her young, innocent face and that he held her that time.

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