Chapter 30. The Darkness Strikes Back

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Her eyes which always ignite a glimmering light of hope and determination, released a snowy sheet of ice glass that completely covered her honey lemon irises that very day. Her face was as beautiful as a doll, with rosy cheeks, pointed nose and small lips but similar to a doll's expression, her face was emotionless, cold, and unrefined. She was holding a piece of paper in her hand, tied with a red ribbon, closely attached to prevent anyone from seeing the letter's content.

She was looking absentmindedly to the window, watching the precipitation part of the infamous hydrologic cycle play like a dramatic scene from a movie where the skies mourn with the story's protagonist sorrows. The cloudburst fondled the pane in a relaxing manner but it didn't lift her spirits even just a small fraction. She was as dull as she ever was.

Hermione wanted to go to him and hand him her resignation to finally end this madness, but the thought of losing her little chance of being with him immobilizes and freezes her body all over. She couldn't even bear to write his name as the addressee of her letter for hearing, writing and speaking his name makes her remember his words.

"You are nothing to me."

YOU are nothing to ME!"

She willed not to let her emotions rule her again, not let her curiosity consume her again. That way, she might save herself from any more troubles ahead of her.

But her feelings were powerful. She sometimes even forgot that he is her teacher. Whenever she sees him, love is all that matters. She doesn't care about the faultfinding regards of the society about the unethical form of relationship between teacher and his/her student. She loves him and isn't that reason enough for her to fight and claim his affections? But, his defiance and love for another pulls her back away from him.

He was in a drowsy state still after he had a midnight stroll last night. The calmness of the forest kept him sane after all the drama he had encountered this week. He was sure sooner or later, his apprentice would show up, apologize and be exceedingly distant. He knew that she might consider quitting the apprenticeship but that didn't bother him even a little. It would be a great relief to finally kick off a piece of garbage away from his life.

His eyes roamed the ceiling, wondering if his actions were just and reasonable in any manner. Of course, it was. He would never let himself be lured to a childish love affair. He was 20 years senior to that student. He was old enough to be her father. He couldn't argue with that. But then, he questioned himself. Why was he being angry? If she likes him, it was merely okay to shoo her away but to completely shun her to his world was something difficult to grasp. She was one student who understands him and saw a glimpse of his character. His story. His personality. Not even Lily knew some of those minute details about him. He was too eager to share it to her because after 35 years of living, there was someone interested to listen what he got to say. And it is not about facts in history and stuff, but about him. About his life. His pathetic little life.

Snape was becoming more and more angry at himself for considering apologizing to Ms. Granger and accepting her offer for a friendship when he felt the indelible mark on his arm weather a smarting pain. He was perfectly calm and collected when he felt that familiar feeling again after 15 years. Well he had expected this to happen after his former Master rose to power last year. But still he hated to see the old snake man and speak matters of devilry again but he knew he had to. To keep his promise to Lily.

He prepared himself and gave himself a little time for concentration. He was about to get up to fetch a glass of Firewhisky when a disturbing knock rapped against the door's backside of his office.

Such perfect timing to have a guest, he mused. He tried to regain his composure but his mind was swallowed by previous nightmare scenarios. Of Lily, of course. He has seen him lying lifeless on the floor, eyes empty and lips almost gray and brown. The stiff cadaver clang to him up to this day even though her body was interred to the ground.

He wanted to admonish whoever that person invading his privacy and quality time but his eyes grew wide when he saw a familiar young face by the door.

She had no excuse or reason to be here. It's Sunday today. Her enrichment classes were only on weekdays. And besides, she was absent for three days in those special classes. She had no right to come any time she wanted. Such stupid and stubborn attitude. But here she is, standing in front of him, eyelashes batting lazily towards him.

He can see the paleness of her face, the trembling of her lips and the soberness in her eyes. She was looking less beautiful than she always was whenever she came to see him. It seemed that her decision to pay him a visit was unexpected.

"Sir... I"

"Leave now, Miss Granger." He quickly cut her off. He had to go and meet the Dark Lord. He will surely be angered by this delay.

"But, Sir", she called out trying to reach him.

"Do as I say. LEAVE!"

He saw the fear lurking in her eyes as she backed out and went away. He had to do it. He needed to go now. He disapparated and with loud crack, like a mist of smoke, he was gone.

It was difficile to depict where he was at first, but when he saw the Dark Lord in front of him, he quickly threw everything on his mind down, as he gave him a sweeping bow.

"My, Lord"

His words were confident as ever. No sign of bitter emotion, bemusement or even fear.

A silent whisper escape the lips of the man's devilish face and Snape was dragged to the ground, as he experienced a thousand poisoned spears carve deeply into his body. He was perspiring and his breathing was labored but he didn't say a word of plea.

The Dark Lord ended the curse and watched him with red, fiery eyes.

"Well, well, Severus. How nice of you to pay your Master a simple visit. Now that you're here, it seems that we need to a hear an acceptable reason from you ..."

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