Chapter 12. A "Perfect" Conversation

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"I disagree."

An irritated voice broke the stillness. Her tone was notably bored and depressed.

"Hem, hem... what did you say? You disagree?" the Professor coughed at the pissed lass. Her smile had turned into a sneer. It was no mistaking that her cloying sweetness has come to an end.

"I just said I did", Hermione spoke in a very fair tone which attracted every attention from their class. "Jinxes are not always the contributor of discordance and violence. It can be functional when used for protection," Hermione began.

I admire your self-esteem, but then, we don't need your witty conviction on the subject. You may sit." Professor Umbridge said as she made her voice much clearer this time.
"I am here to teach you to understand the principles of underlying defensive magic. You are here to learn defensive spells in a secure, risk-free way. I thought I made myself...CLEAR."

"But, Professor, "Hermione cut in, which made the Professor walk in front of the class again.

"Enough, Miss Granger. Five points will be taken from your house."

A lot of students got vexed by her mawkish remarks.

Harry whose patience was wearing thin, spoke out of nowhere. "What is the deduction of points for? For raising a witty conviction?"

Hermione snapped at Harry for she wouldn't want the scene to continue.

"For riving my class with inane interventions, Mr Potter," she replied with her smooth voice.

Harry who has never been a fan of Professor Umbridge's meaningless Defense Against the Dark Arts teaching, blurted out, "How many times do I have to tell you? Voldemort has returned. How can we be able to defend ourselves if we are just here wrapping ourselves with books and chalk talks rather than learning how to use defensive spells? We're just waiting here like uncivilized people letting Voldemort regain his strength and vanquish us!"

It was as if a huge vacuum sucked all the remaining noise from the room, even the breathing sounds after Harry's outbreak.

"I think you still haven't learned your lesson, Mr Potter. Perhaps another week's detention might cure your insolence." Professor Umbridge said, smiling from cheek to cheek.

Harry received detention during Umbridge's first week. Now Harry is going to join the toad again. He shuddered at the thought that the back of his hand will be exuding liquified rubies once more. His wounds weren't even healed yet, and now another batch of injuries are waiting for him later at 5 o'clock. Just great.

Harry and Ron quickly stepped out of the classroom followed by the frazzled female. She kept on ranting but the boys were not listening.

"What was that for, Harry? She's a teacher. She has dominion over the class. I thought every second of your time is precious for you have to make time for potions reviewing and quidditch practice. And now you landed yourself with another detention just because of absolute asininity?"

What's wrong with you Hermione, you told us that we need if we need to say something to someone, we need to say it directly to their face. Harry told her what he feels. And besides, she's a nightmare." Ron was trying to rescue his best friend whilst he was setting up a fight with Hermione.

"And now you're blaming me? This is absurd, Ron-" Hermione started to fight back.

"Enough you two. I told her that because I couldn't take it anymore. It's my fault. Even though the detention is regrettably detrimental, I enjoyed every second that I shouted at her. What's done is done." Harry ended the ruckus once and for all. He was ready to face the consequences of his actions.

The boys left in a flash, leaving Hermione annoyed and defeated.

She was thinking of visiting the Black Lake to remove her rising temper when she heard a voice that made her jump.

"I don't see any reason why you associate yourself with narrow-minded people, Miss Granger. A person like you must mingle with persons who can challenge you. Staying with them will only nullify your light."

"Professor Snape." She addressed him with pure sarcasm in her eyes.

"I know, sir. I think I perfectly know which and what kind of persons I will associate myself with. I am being careful. Extremely careful." Hermione answered as she used her know-it-all poise.

"I can see that you are trying your best to reach perfection. You seem to relate yourself with that word all the time." Professor Snape was making the conversation complicated but he intended to make it light and smooth.

"For me to grasp my dreams and ambitions, I should be perfect. Into every problem or battle engagement, I should be well-equipped and adaptable. I must focus to reach the greater good." Hermione answered, she hoped that she picked the correct choice of words to say.

"Success isn't defined by perfection. There are a lot of things in this world, much greater than success or even perfection." Snape contradicted her side but he didn't raise his voice. He was a little surprised with himself too, for he never cared what perspective in life his students have. Debating or advising was never his forte, for he was only good at insulting. And here he was, talking to this girl, in a friendly manner.

"And what is that, Sir?" the girl with messy curls asked.

"Contentment. Success is never measured by wealth or educational attainment. It is found in one's happiness." Snape finished his statement and started to leave.

"I know in life there are no escaping failures, but I will still fight to reach the highest point of the world," Hermione said and his teacher stopped walking.

"We'll see then, Miss Granger. We'll see then." And with his final words, he strode past her as he smiled discreetly at the perplexed student.

He admonished himself for enjoying their little encounter. He looked back to see the girl's face confused and crinkled with eagerness to search for some answers. He knew that the girl thinks that she had lost in their fancy and unusual debate. And she wasn't going to end it there. She'll talk to him soon, and she will raise her point better this time. And he'll be ready, for he was willing to ride on with the student's limited cleverness. She can be rough sometimes, but there's no declining that she is indeed a near-perfect example of perfection.
He went away, while he placed an indifferent mask on his handsome face.

I remember writing these chapters when I was in one of my stodgy Calculus classes and I am so happy to experience the thrill and the pain of this story all over again.

I am going to be updating this on a weekly basis, I think two chapters depending on my schedule. I hope you're still enjoying reading this.

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