Chapter 21. Everyone Has a Tower

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The moments that took place into the Potions classroom was serene and upheaving. The man wearing fair long robes with numerous buttons took time to make the clock stop. He wasn't like his student who loses self-control and falls into one's charismatic gaze. He was the snarky, stoic and exacting Potions Master.

She never knew that he was looking at her, not because he was lecturing or admonishing her. There isn't anything admirable to this female student sitting beside him. Her eyes were honey-colored but it didn't even came close to the magnetic stare of the green eyes of his beloved but somewhere in the depths of those golden eyes he couldn't resist to observe a stirring fire of kindness and bravery. The woman who owned his heart for so long had the same aura in her eyes but there was something there he didn't find. Something that was here, in the eyes of the fifth year Gryffindor who was busy blaming herself for warranting a behaviour she shouldn't have shown towards him.

Alas, he found himself deeply seized his being that's why he quickly regained his posture before she could notice.

"Ms. Granger, do you have any appointments later tonight?"  Snape asked trying to avoid her eyes who gladly presented themselves to meet his own.

Hermione woke up from her reverie and saw that her teacher had talked to her.

"I have none, Sir. Why is it, Sir, may I ask?"

"I am going to collect some herbs and plants in the forest, this evening. Perhaps, you would like to accompany your teacher since you said only a few moments earlier, that in the field of learning, there should be a student and teacher interaction."

She didn't know he always have to mock her by her own words when he can actually ask nicely. But of course, he's offering her to go with him tonight into the forest.

She'd be a fool not to say yes. So she urgently replied, "I would be honored, Sir. I will."

Snape was taken aback by her words. He even takes it as a sign that Ms. Granger is super eager to be with him that's why she answered hurriedly. But he knew this was a false idea, so he just ignored her answer and turned to leave.

"Meet me near Hagrid's hut at 7 pm. And don't be late."

He slammed the door shut and walked calmly to go to his chambers as fast as he could. He tried to remove his memories of his student by looking at the frame. Inside it was the same woman who waved at him lovingly every night. Before he would turn out the light, he'll wave her good night just like she always do whenever he looked at her.

As the hours were drained by the dominant clock hands, Hermione freshened herself up and took out a thick garment for her to use in the cold night. She went out the misty glade and marched towards the place her teacher had told her to where they will meet.

She was five minutes early for she didn't want to make a bad impression. She was almost willing to accept the Potions Master's cantankerous attitude of trying to scare everyone when a soft cool hand was tapping on her shoulder.

She was slightly shocked to see him there. When she saw him, she never failed to notice his gallant ebony clothes that made look pretty confining and stringent.

His eyes moved slowly towards his student and motioned her to follow him. He was as silent as the nighttime hymn and as cold as the breeze. Hermione had no idea if she needed to at least talk to him or just dig in to the delights of being beside him beneath the pale moonlight.

She was really bothered if she would say anything to him because she never felt so lonely with a companion before. She was about to speak when Snape had finally broke the ice.

"We will be collecting foxglove petals, valerian sprigs and dittany for tonight. As long as we aren't back at the premise of the castle, stay close to me."

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