Chapter 25. Why I Hate the Word "Always"

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A small hole will eventually become big. A little crease will eventually become progressively aggravated. It was a teeny tiny situation that exasperated so swiftly. It was like cancer. Her problem started with only a kernel of faith and respect for him and now turned out to be a huge amount of agony and love.

She didn't want to know why everything was so complicated. It wasn't like any other relationship problems she had encountered before. Having a crush on Gilderoy Lockhart wasn't so awful. Actually, after weeks of fancying him, her infatuation was like a knot of hair that fell loose and had gone away. Viktor Krum wasn't much trouble to her either. He was handsome, popular and all, but her affection towards him signified imagery of a sweet-smelling perfume, in which the fragrance had faded and was quickly forgotten. Ron was also a guy which she liked so much. He was a nice guy and a loyal friend. She did have a crush on him before but now, whenever he sees him, the spark that was always there, seemed lost and non-existent.

He was different. Her feelings for him were different. It felt like she wanted to offer her life to him. And that was stupid. Really? She already understood that the day she admitted her feelings for him to herself, she already bought her heart a catafalque and dug a fair size of land in a sepulchre.

She looked around the Potions room as the teacher left her for an unexpected rendezvous with the Headmaster. For her, it was utterly suspicious that almost now and then, Professor Dumbledore would ask for his presence. Was it a doubt that something's happening or she hated it that her "alone time" with him had been stolen from her several times now?

Snape would regularly dismiss her and let her enjoy the evening but after that, she couldn't push herself to enjoy. What he said turns out to be the exact opposite. She misses him and couldn't wait for hours to move so she can see him again. He was the only one that mattered. She didn't care now about the Ilvermorny letter, Voldemort's nightmares or the approaching war in their world. She wanted to live in the moment. To be with him. She wasn't a person who asks for a lot of things and hopes for anything. Just this once, please give her what she desires. It wasn't for power, for glory or for the greater good. It was to make everything in her own little world seem right.

Fortunately for her, this time, he told her to stay around and wait for him to come back. He didn't really give a specific time of return but he assured her that he will be seeing her after his meeting. And it was all good enough for her.

He was still strict and contradicting at times that his acts of friendship seem to be defeated but she would always wait for him to be nice again. Even the smallest gesture of kindness makes her heart flutter.

She looked around the room trying to figure out what time he will come back. The books were placed on the shelves and everything was clean. She almost smiled to herself because she had only seen the place tidy today. He was always busy and had to run errands for the Headmaster but maybe not anymore. He already found time to clean this place he calls home.

She already visited his personal stores of potions, glanced at every corner of the classroom and even stayed in his chambers. But there was one thing she never dared to do ever. She wanted to see his table and of course his favourite chair where he sat all the time. But the professor himself told her not to do it.

Making herself believe that he will not notice anything, Hermione drew closer to the teacher's table. His table was obviously clean and organized, but what caught her attention was a certain frame where a familiar pair of eyes gleamed before the clear, transparent glass.

Her beauty wasn't something one can see anywhere for it was very rare. Her smile can send electric shocks that can make you feel jittery yet excited at the same time. Her eyes would remind you of the first greenest leaf which grew and announced the first day of spring. Her hair was a hint of strawberry blonde which flecks of a ginger hue that can make you lose your sanity whenever you see it flying due to the naughty air.

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